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Grid-Connected Wind Articles & Analysis

15 articles found
  • Wind energy today and in the 21st century

    Wind energy is the most promising of the new renewable sources of energy. By the end of 1998, the global installed capacity of modern grid connected wind turbines was some 10,000 MW, and the growth rates of installations worldwide are 30%-40% annually. The cost of wind energy was reduced by 30% between 1991 and 1997 and the cost reduction is foreseen to continue. This article reviews the reasons ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Wind power prefeasibility study for agricultural applications in Kerman, Iran: a case study

    In the present paper, wind characteristics have been analysed for three agricultural sectors in Kerman (30°15'N,56°58'E), Iran. Wind data collected from three synoptic stations for the period of July 2006 to June 2011 at the height of 40 m has been used to study the monthly and annual wind energy potential. Two statistical methods (Meteorological and Weibull) have been applied to ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Study on environmental impact model of grid-connected wind power generation

    As a clean and renewable energy source, wind power is independent from the traditional external energy change, which makes it one of the most promising ways of clean energy generation. It is well known that wind power has obvious energy saving efficiency. But for long-term consideration, wind power generation still has certain impacts on human life. Therefore, standing in the point of the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Long-term stabilisation of grid connected wind farms with FACTS controllers

    The increasing power demand has led to the growth of new technologies that play an integral role in shaping the future energy market. Keeping in view of the environmental constraints, grid connected wind turbines are promising in increasing system reliability. This paper presents the impact of FACTS controllers on the long-term dynamic stability of power systems connected with wind farms based on ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Harmonic and interharmonic distortion analysis in the grid-connected wind electric generator

    The operation of wind turbines has an impact on the power quality at the connected electric network. The integration of wind electric generators with the power grid becomes a headache for power engineers in several aspects. Harmonic distortion is one of the most important phenomena which affect the grid performance. This paper provides an in-depth discussion on harmonic and interharmonic ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • A comparative study on the grid integrated wind energy conversion systems (WECS) using different generator models

    A huge number of wind generators are going to be connected with the existing network in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse various models of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) for the purpose of studying the impacts upon grid. This paper presents comparative study on grid connected WECS having two different wind turbine generator systems (WTGS): model 1 [WTGS having doubly ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • A combined electro-mechanical control technique for dynamic voltage regulation of a stand-alone wind turbine generator

    This paper introduces a computer-based model and dynamic simulation of a combined electro-mechanical control technique for a stand-alone wind turbine generator system. The presented combined control technique consists of three closed loops for speed regulation, nacelle alignment and dynamic load voltage regulation. Speed regulation is achieved by adjusting the pitch angle of the turbine blades. ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Taonan case study

    Working to decarbonise China's energy future Located in Taonan, Jilin Province, north east China, this 49.3 MW grid connected wind farm demonstrates the economic viability of wind power technology in a region where, until now, it has been seen as marginal. The project generates over 100,000 MWh of electricity per annum, and delivers greenhouse gas emission reductions equal to 92,508 tCO2e per ...

    By Camco Clean Energy Company

  • Record 13bn euro invested in offshore wind in 2015: 3GW new capacity

    Offshore wind investments in Europe doubled in 2015 to €13.3 billion in a record year for financing and grid-connected installations. A total of 3,019 MW in new offshore wind capacity came online in European waters in 2015, more than double what was connected to the grid in 2014. Europe's total offshore wind capacity is now 11,027 MW. A further 3,034 MW of capacity - spread across ten ...

    By WindEurope asbl/vzw

  • A reduced switch count UPF power conditioner for grid connected variable speed wind energy conversion system employing PM generators: a simulation study

    In this paper, modelling and simulation of a grid connected variable speed wind energy conversion system (VSWECS) with reduced switch count power converter is presented. The system consists of a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), two pulse width modulated B-4 power converters and a maximum power point tracker (MPPT). Mathematical models of each element of the system are developed ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Vector control of current regulated inverter connected to grid for wind energy applications

    Connecting variable speed wind turbine connected to the grid requires a proper control of the inverter to improve the power quality for the system. The vector control of an inverter connected to the grid is presented. The proposed control technique implies a hysteresis current controller in the inner loop. The complete control system has been developed, analysed, and validated by simulation ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Wind Surpasses Nuclear in China

    Wind has overtaken nuclear as an electricity source in China. In 2012, wind farms generated 2 percent more electricity than nuclear power plants did, a gap that will likely widen dramatically over the next few years as wind surges ahead. Since 2007, nuclear power generation has risen by 10 percent annually, compared with wind’s explosive growth of 80 percent per year. Before the March ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • Wind energy and system security – the grid connection moratorium in Ireland

    This examines the interaction between technical challenges and policy choices that are made regarding wind power, and uses the grid connection moratorium in Ireland as a case study. While total installed wind capacity in Ireland is low compared with Germany, Spain and Denmark, wind power penetration is higher in the Irish system than in either the British, UCTE or NORDEL systems. In December 2003 ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • World Wind Power Poised to Bounce Back after Slowing in 2013

    At the end of 2013, the wind farms installed in more than 85 countries had a combined generating capacity of 318,000 megawatts, which would be enough to meet the residential electricity needs of the European Union’s 506 million people. New data from the Global Wind Energy Council show that wind developers built 35,000 megawatts of new generating capacity worldwide in 2013. This was down ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • Grid integration of renewables in Egypt - Case Study

    Integration of large Amounts of Renewable Electricity in the Egyptian Energy Grid - Capacity Building for Management and Engineer-Technical Level (Egypt-RE-Grid). The electricity sector of the Arab Republic of Egypt produces large amounts of electricity through thermal and hydroelectric power stations. Egypt has diminishing proven oil reserves and declining production. Natural gas production is ...

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