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Heat And Power Articles & Analysis

400 articles found
  • Effect of exergy optimisation on a cogeneration system's CO2 emissions according to different demand patterns

    The objective of this work is to verify how different operational strategies affect the CO2 emissions of a cogeneration system according to different demand patterns. The operation strategies studied were focused in running cost and exergetic efficiency. The results show that the optimal exergetic efficiency strategy generated the highest emissions reduction. The operation with the highest ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Qualifying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) activity

    The EU 2002 draft and 2004 final CHP Directives propose qualifying CHP activity with the quality norm. This norm benchmarks the energy efficiency of CHP plant outputs on external reference power and heat efficiencies. Because the quality norm amalgamates cogeneration and condensing activity its application entails particular perverse effects for high-quality and adapted scale investment in CHP ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Planning and construction of the Munich north combined heat and power plant

    The Munich North combined heat and power plant, construction of which commmenced in the autumn of 1988, was a project that set new standards in terms not only of plant diversity and output rating but also of technological design. The present paper attempts to give a general outline of the plant design concept, which combines the aim of maximizing plant operating capabilities with a commitment to ...

    By Kimre Inc.

  • 50MWe combined heat and power independent power producer – Case Study

    OWNER Manisa OIZ LOCATION Turkey PRODUCT Two Titan 250 Generator Sets CUSTOMER VALUE High Efficient and Flexible Energy Supply Our customer, Manisa OIZ, one of the biggest industrial parks in Turkey, needed to fulfill the rapidly growing demand of electricity, as well as provide steam and hot water to their industnal tenants. We extended the capacity of their power plant with two of our ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Energetic and exergetic efficiency analysis of an indirect fired air-turbine combined heat and power system

    The aim of this paper is to analyse the performance of an intercooled reheat regenerative indirect fired air turbine based combined heat and power system using the first and second law of thermodynamics. The energetic and exergetic efficiencies have been defined. The effects of overall pressure ratio, cycle temperature ratio, pressure losses and process steam pressure on the energetic and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Deploy CHP in China that Utilize Coke Oven Gas for Fuel Feedstock

    Combined Heat and Power systems offer significant energy efficiency opportunities in Partner countries. The United States will lead this project in which key turbine components will be provided to Chinese industry along with training in these systems. Once systems are operable, a savings of approximately 1.2 million tons of CO2 per year is ...

  • Combined heat and power ceramic industry - Gold Art Ceramica - Case Study

    OWNER Gold Art Ceramica LOCATION Modena, Italy PRODUCT Taurus 60 Gas Turbines CUSTOMER VALUE Reliable, Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Power Gold Art Ceramica was founded in 1989 as a family company and is now internationally recognized in the global ceramics industry. Gold Art Ceramica develops products that are increasingly innovative and in step with market trends. With a history of ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Who uses innovative energy technologies, when and why? The case of fuel cell MicroCHP in households

    Users can play an important role in the diffusion of sustainable energy technologies. Using a postal survey and focus group discussions, the paper explores the characteristics, motives and expectations of household users in the case of fuel cell?driven small combined heat and power plants. (Potential) users are highly educated and well off, almost exclusively male and relatively old. Their main ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP) essentials

    'CHP essentials' introduces the concept of power and heat 'production possibility sets', starting at the cradle of CHP, i.e., the thermal power generation plant. The latter always occasions 'fatal' heat that is either recovered (the 'merit' of CHP) or wasted (condensing). This split paves the way to defining the production possibility sets of CHP plants, shown for steam turbines, internal ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Decentralised energy systems: state of the art and potentials

    The increasing liberalisation of the energy market as well as the ecological and business environment of public heat and power supply are leading to a re-evaluation of established and innovative energy conversion systems. A more efficient usage of fossil and regenerative primary energy resources is to be achieved by decentralised systems providing combined heat and electrical power. This paper ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • 4.2 MWe combined heat and power plant ceramic industry - Case Study

    OWNER Pamesa Do Brasil LOCATION Suape - Recife, Brazil PRODUCT Centaur 50 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Efficiency Pamesa Do Brasil is owned by Pamesa Espana, together with private Brazilian capital and is dedicated to the production, distribution and sale of ceramic floonng and glazed porcelain tiles. Pamesa's experience, high quality of products and constant technological innovation make it ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Natural Resources Institute,Maaninka, Finland - Case Study

    The farm biogas plant is used to treat agricultural biomass waste with a volume of 600 m³ in the reaction tank . Biogas can be used for power generation and heating, generating power 20kWel, thermal power CHP 40 kWth , boiler power 80kWth . ...

  • WAGABOX® unit of Saint-Palais - Project

    Saint-Palais lanfill (France) Commissioning: 6th november 2018 90 000 tons of waste per year Biogas :40-50% CH4 | 0-3% O2 | 1 000 ppmv H2S | 5-20 % N2 Distance of the gas grid: 1.6 kilometer Existing gas recovery solution: Combine Heat and Power Capacity: 20 GWh/year (68,200 mmBtu) ...

    By Waga Energy

  • US to lead on efficient design of energy systems

    Despite the availability of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) technologies and proven benefits and performance of these systems, projects often are not implemented even when investment is compelling. The United States will lead this effort, building on its CHP Partnership Program to identify and clear barriers to efficient design of on-site energy systems. The project will promote collaborative ...

  • WAGABOX® unit of Gueltas - Project

    Gueltas landfill (France) Commissioning: 13th november 2018 200 000 tons of waste per year Biogas :45-50 % CH4 | 0-5 % O2 | 1 000 ppmv H2S | 5-20 % N2 Distance of the gas grid: 6 kilometers Existing gas recovery solution: Combine Heat and Power Capacity: 25 GWh/year (85,300 mmBtu) ...

    By Waga Energy

  • Is waste heat the silver bullet?

    The energy industry tends to get stuck on certain words. Silver bullet is one of them. Insiders and policymakers often like to say there is no silver bullet to fix US energy woes. We need a portfolio of solutions – renewables, efficiency, smart grid, transmission expansion, coal sequestration, etc. That may be true, but Tom Casten begs to differ. Casten is a bit of a rock star in the field of ...

  • 24.5 MWe - Combined Heat and Power Pulp And Paper Industry - Case Study

    OWNER AIE IDAE Sant Joan LOCATION Sant Joan Les Fonts (Girona), Spain PRODUCT Titan 250 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Efficiency of Combined Heat and Power Plant The Spanish Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) and the Lecta Group conceptualized a new combined heat and power plant for a paper mill. The objective was clear. It had to produce a specific rangeof power and flexible ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Combined Heat And Power Distillery - Captain Morgan - Case Study

    OWNER DIAGEO LOCATION St. Croix, US Virgin Islands PRODUCT Centaur® 50 (4.6 MW) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE LPG Fuel and Cost Savings On the island of St. Croix, located in the Virgin Islands, the Captain Morgan rum distillery uses a Centaur 50 gas turbine for combined heat and power (CHP). The unit provides both electricity and steam for the distillery's operations. Diageo chose the ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Quantifying Combined Heat and Power (CHP) activity

    In CHP plants without heat rejection facilities power, output is complementary to the recovery of heat, and all activity is cogeneration. CHP plants with heat rejection facilities can operate a mix of cogeneration and condensing activities. Quantifying the energy flows of both activities properly requires knowledge of the design power-to-heat ratios of the CHP processes (steam and gas turbines, ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Exergy and exergoeconomic analysis and optimisation of diesel engine based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system using genetic algorithm

    In the present study, a diesel engine based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system is optimised using exergoeconomic concept and genetic algorithm. For this purpose, the CHP system is first thermodynamically analysed through energy and exergy. Then cost balances and auxiliary equations are applied to subsystems. Finally an objective function representing fuel cost, cost of exergy loss and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

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