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Heat Exchanger Articles & Analysis

204 articles found
  • Second law analysis of a crossflow heat exchanger equipped with constructal distributor/collector

    In the present study, the experimental results of second law analysis on the heat transfer and hydraulic characteristics of a mini crossflow heat exchanger equipped with constructal distributor/collector are presented. In the experiments, hot and cold water are used as working fluids. Tests are performed for various "distributor-heat-exchanger-collector" configurations at channel Reynolds numbers ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Increase the pressure with annular space heat exchangers

    Annular space heat exchangers, such as the HRS AS Series, work by passing the product through the gap between the inner and outer tubes (the annular space), which makes them suitable for thick, highly viscous products such as fruit purees, thick sauces, honey and syrups. The advantage of such a design is that it ensures even heating or cooling of the product, while the use of HRS corrugated tube ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

  • Improving Heat Transfer in Heat Exchangers

    Untitled Document Static mixer elements can reduce film buildup on the inside walls of your heat exchanger and improve heat transfer, allowing you to reduce heat exchanger size and space requirements. To view the full article please click here (Word Doc.- 87.5 KB) ...

    By Nordson EFD

  • Removable Plate Heat Exchanger

    The removable plate heat exchanger is mainly composed of heat transfer plate, sealing gasket, pressure plate at both ends, clamping bolt, bracket, flange or bushing, and ground foot. Heat transfer plate is the main component of heat exchanger. Generally, corrugated heat transfer plate is made of herringbone. According to the different fluid medium, the material of heat transfer plate is ...

  • Optimum distribution of heat exchanger inventory and optimum thermal capacitance rate matching for power optimisation of a regenerated closed Brayton cycle

    The power output of the cycle is taken as objective for performance analysis and optimisation of an irreversible regenerated closed Brayton cycle coupled to variable-temperature heat reservoirs. The analytical formulae about the relations between power output and pressure ratio are derived with the heat resistance losses in three heat exchangers, the irreversible losses in the compressor and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • See how the HRS R Series saves valuable space, time and energy

    HRS Heat Exchangers’ Cameron Creech, General Manager for HRS North America, explains why the HRS R Series is a better option than traditional single tube scraped surface heat exchangers. The R Series Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers have been designed to maximise energy and product recovery, reduce footprint and be cost effective to maintain. For highly viscous products, the RHD Series is a ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

  • Advantages of plate heat exchanger

    1. The heat transfer coefficient of plate heat exchanger is higher than that of other heat exchangers. When designing plate heat exchangers, some special corrugates are designed on the plates. Never underestimate the role of these corrugates. They can make the fluid flow with strong turbulence at very low flow rates. The self-purification effect of turbulence can prevent fouling. The heat ...

  • Comparative study of the effect of fouling on heat exchangers performance based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics

    An extensive investigation of the effect of fouling on heat exchangers performance has been carried out based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Non-dimensional fouling thermal resistance is firstly defined, and five typical criteria in terms of heat transfer units number, heat transfer effectiveness, exergy transfer units number, exergy transfer effectiveness and non-dimensional ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Introduction to Plate Heat Exchanger

    Working principle of plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger is composed of a group of metal corrugated plates with openings, which form a channel for liquid flow. Heat will be transferred between the two liquids.The corrugated plates are assembled between a fixed plate and a movable compaction plate and are compacted by clamping bolts. These plates are equipped with sealing gaskets, which ...

  • Entropy generation minimisation analysis of cross-flow heat exchangers used in indirect evaporative air conditioners

    In this paper, entropy generation in heat exchangers used in Indirect Evaporative Coolers (IDECs) is studied. First, expressions for the rate of entropy generation in tube-type and plate-type cross-flow heat exchangers used as IDECs are obtained. Then, by introducing appropriate geometric constraints and employing thermohydraulic design equations, the variation of the rate of entropy generation ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Corrugations best for efficiency in tubular heat exchangers

    There are many different types of tubular heat exchanger on the market, such as annular space, double tube and multitube, as well as those with different geometries including the use of internal fins, dimples and corrugations. We have written several articles explaining why corrugated tubes are our preferred design option, but it is worth ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

  • Heat Exchanger

    Steam boiler, Wood Fired Steam boiler, Wood Fired Thermic Fluid Heater, boiler India, Industrial boiler, ibr steam boiler, Coal Fired Steam boiler, Hot Air Generator, Pressure Vessels, Gas Fired Steam boiler-Ambica Boilers, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, ...

  • Assessing product properties for optimal heat exchanger performance

    In every situation where a heat exchanger is required, the combination of products and service fluids, application, temperature and other variables will be different. Understanding these properties ensures the correct heat exchanger is supplied. For example, high fouling materials may require a scraped-surface unit. Having adequate information will also ensure that the heat exchange process does ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

  • Implementation of a transient exergy analysis for a plateā€“fin heat exchanger

    A 2nd law thermodynamic analysis with exergy analysis can provide a more robust means of accounting for all of the energy flows within and in between subsystems and the work potential. These energy flows may be thermal, chemical, electrical, pneumatic, etc. Some systems such as air or ground vehicles have very transient modes of operation. Energy optimisation of these vehicles through modelling ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • New Juice Processing Solutions: from Concentrate to Bottle - Part 2

    Pasteurisation High Temperature Short Time (HTST) pasteurisation, also known as ‘flash pasteurisation’, is the preferred technique for making premium quality juice. The HRS series of MI/MR pasteurisers uses a food-grade, multitube corrugated tube heat exchanger to speed up the heat transfer, while the corrugated tubes create extra turbulence in the juice as it flows through. This ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

  • Ecological optimisation of an irreversible-closed ICR gas turbine cycle

    The ecological function is optimised for an irreversible-closed Intercooled-Recuperated (ICR) gas turbine cycle using the theory of Finite-Time Thermodynamics by searching the optimum intercooling pressure ratio and heat conductance distributions among the four heat exchangers for fixed total heat exchanger inventory and the results are compared with those at the maximum power. Numerical examples ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Functional exergy efficiency and exergy consumption behaviour for air-to-air heat exchangers operating at near-environmental temperatures

    This paper investigates how temperature changes affect the efficiency of thermal exergy transfer at near-environmental temperatures. Depending on the combinations of heat exchanger and environmental temperatures, different values of functional exergy efficiency can be obtained for the same heat transfer effectiveness. Some temperature combinations can lead to unexpected values of functional ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Exergetical analysis and design optimisation of the Stirling engine

    A detailed design optimisation study of an endo- and exoirreversible Stirling engine is carried out. After energetic, entropic and exergetic analyses of the hot-end and cold-end heat exchangers of the engine, an adapted model of the engine, including the heat exchangers and the regenerator, is proposed to optimise the distribution of the limited heat exchangers' total area. Power generation, ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Two non-dimensional exergy transfer performance parameters of heat exchanger

    A new non-dimensional performance parameter, exergy transfer units number, which is in conjunction with exergy transfer effectiveness, is proposed to evaluate exergy transfer performance of heat exchangers operating above/below the surrounding temperature. The analytical expressions of exergy transfer units number are derived, and the relationship between exergy transfer effectiveness and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Introducing AHED (Advanced Heat Exchanger Design)

    AHED (Advanced Heat Exchanger Design) is a powerful design tool for the calculation of one of the most used items of process equipment: shell and tube and heat exchangers (STHE’s). STHE’s are used in widespread process industries including Chemical, Oil & Gas, Wastewater, Food, Pharmaceutical & Automotive. The design of STHE’s is fundamental for a process installation ...

    By HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd.

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