High Temperature Combustion Articles & Analysis
High Temperature Combustion of Biogas
High Temperature Combustion of Biogas Efficient combustion of biogas Controlled and concealed combustion Combustion temperature > 900°C Residence time more than 0.3 s Insulated combustion chamber High safety standard The HOFGAS® - IFL4c high temperature flare provides safe and environmentally-friendly combustion of biogas. The exhaust gas emissions meet the stringent requirements. ...
High temperature combustion of landfill gas
Type Compact plant HOFGAS® - Efficiency 250 Commissioning December 2001 Site Storkohmo landfill, Kokkola (FIN) Situation Storkohmo landfill is located 400km north of Helsinki on Finland's west coast near the city of Kokkola. Based on local legislation requirements ( reduction of green house gas emissions ) the gas collection system, compressor station with automatic methane ...
Secure handling of landfill gas
Type HOFGAS®- Sparky S Commissioning 2002 Site Marley (GB) Situation The Marley landfill site in England is systematically degassed in order to meet the stringent local regulations. Marley is a proportionally small landfill site and does not deliver enough gas for energy generation. Consequently, the landfill gas is cleaned directly in a high temperature flare. HOFSTETTER’s Task ...
Why high temperature combustion of landfill gas?
Due to the accumulation of knowledge and the tightening of environmental law, the landfill technology has increasingly become concerned with the management of trace compounds in landfill gas. With landfill gas, contamination is through sulphur, chlorine, fluorine, halogenated hydrocarbons and heavy metals. Other trace elements such as volatile organic compounds (VOC), impose environmental ...
TOC Analysis for Standard Methods 5310B: High-Temperature Combustion Method
Introduction Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is a rapid method that analyzes for organic carbon and expresses the result as the amount of carbon found. It is a non-specific method unable to distinguish between various organic species and only indicates that organic carbon compounds are present. Organic carbon analyzers operate by the determination of the amount of total carbon present in a sample ...
Low emissions from large plants too
Type HOFGAS®- LPM 3000 Performance 3’000 Nm³/h, 15’000 kW Location Scotland (GB) SituationEvery year, 150’000 tonnes of waste from Edinburgh, Lothian and the Borders Region are brought to the Dunbar landfill site. The waste is transported by rail to the site. In 2002, the UK Environmental Agency (EA) introduced the strictest emission regulations in Europe. The flue gases are not ...
Safe disposal of exhaust gas from storage tanks in Finland
Type HOFGAS®--IPM 6500 and 4 xHOFGAS®- IFM4c 15000 Performance Blower station 6,500 Nm³/h - Flare burner 4x1,650 Nm³/h / 4x15,000 kW Client Neste Jacobs Oy (FI) Situation Every fortnight a tanker delivers oil from Russia to Finland. The tanker docks at the port of Naantali and the oil is conveyed to storage tanks below ground. Gas is liberated at the same time. This exhaust gas ...
Gas-to-Energy plant; production of electricity with landfill gas
Type Degassing installation HOFGAS®-C7/1000 + HOFGAS®-Ready 600 Commissioning May 2002 Site Landfill of Iles Les Meldeuses Situation The landfill is being degassed by a plant we supplied in 1998. For the planned extension phase Hofstetter France Sarl was committed to work out a concept for the enhancement of the degassing capacity and the utilisation of the gas. The assessment of ...
Removal of ecologically harmful pyrolysis gas and vapours
Type HOFGAS®- IFM4c/1000 Commissioning August 2002 Site Waste water treatment plants Situation As a result of new authority requirements, Romag AG set up operation of a plant for the drying and gasification of wastewater sludge. Drying vapours are formed during the sludge drying and pyrolysis gas during gasification. These emissions must be burned in an ecological way, in compliance ...
Biochar: forgotten agricultural nostrum
What is biochar? The new multifunctional products are in good request nowadays. One of such innovations is Biochar. This type of charcoal is manufactured using the low-temperature continuous pyrolysis equipment. The raw material for the recycling process is biomass (agricultural and other biological waste). Biochar origins (Terra Preta) Spain сonquistadors were the first who noticed ...
Heating Value
The lower heating value (LHV) or higher heating value (HHV) of a gas is an important consideration when selecting a gas engine or CHP plant. Gas engines efficiency is typically quoted based upon the LHV of the gas. Whenever a hydrocarbon fuel is burned one product of combustion is water. The quantity of water produced is dependent upon the amount of hydrogen in the fuel. Due to high combustion ...
Biomass Gasification vs. Pyrolysis: What Sets These Two Technologies Apart?
When exploring renewable energy solutions and waste-to-energy technologies, two methods often emerge in discussions: biomass gasification and pyrolysis. While both processes involve the conversion of organic materials into valuable energy, they operate on different principles and produce distinct outcomes. Understanding the differences between biomass gasification and pyrolysis is crucial for ...
Reasons To Acquire A New Oil Sludge Pyrolysis Plant
If you are liable for processing oil sludge, you may have to have a more technical machine to keep up with production levels. Sludge is simply a vicious kind of material that has both liquid and solid components mixed together. In the mix, you will additionally have oil in case you are processing sludge that comes from a refinery as well as other industries where oil is commonly used. You could ...
Combined Heat and Power Pulp and Paper Industry - Sofidel America Corporation - Case Study
OWNER Sofidel America Corporation LOCATION Circleville, Ohio, USA PRODUCT Two Taurus 70 (8.0 MWE) Gas Turbines CUSTOMER VALUE Reduced Energy Costs, Lowered C02 Emissions The Sofidel Group is one of the leading manufacturers of paper for hygienic and domestic use worldwide. Sofidel considers sustainability a strategic factor in its growth and is committed to promoting socially and ...
Performance of the low-emission flare
Job report / Elbisgraben (Bale / Switzerland) The summer of 1992 had finally arrived. The 5MW low emission furnace in the district heating station Liestal was ignited, supplied with landfill gas from Elbisgraben landfill. Since then the plant has been running continuously and the comprehensive measurements taken, verify that all targets aimed at have been achieved: plant efficiency 90%, low ...
The Greening of Carbon Fibre
Carbon fiber is a material that has, and will continue to revolutionize the products we use every day by making them stronger, lighter and more durable. Experts estimate that the specialty material is twice as stiff as steel and five times stronger, per unit of weight. It is made from organic polymers which consist of long strings of molecules held together by carbon atoms. The manufacturing ...
CHP efficiency for biogas
Combined heat and power plant efficiency is a function of the conversion efficiency of the energy in the fuel gas to useful energy in the form of electricity and heat. A combined heat and power (CHP) plant is typically a reciprocating gas engine that uses the energy in the gas to drive a crank shaft. The crank shaft turns an alternator to produce electricity. Heat is released during the gas ...
Detailed chemical modelling of a flameless combustion turbine for pollution prevention
Flameless combustion has been acknowledged as one of the most interesting combustion technologies to meet both the targets of high process efficiency and low pollutant emissions. The present investigation is concerned with the application of the flameless combustion mode to an adiabatic combustor, typically used in gas turbine engines. Detailed chemical kinetics calculations, by means of a ...
The Way To Obtain An Affordable Pyrolysis Oil Plant?
The conversion of material like organic material, plastic, as well as rubber, can be something more people are doing today than ever before. What they are converting it into his burnable fuel, along with natural oil, that could are derived from many of these waste matter. Recycling has developed into a prominent feature within our society, no matter what country you live in. You can find huge ...
Green coal, Quebec company poised to scale up biocoal technology
Near the St. Lawrence River, a stone’s throw away from the Gentilly nuclear power plant, the old LaPrade mill in Bécancour, Que., has come back to life. In one of the old concrete pools designed to produce heavy water, Airex Energy is testing its unique torrefaction process. Their goal: develop a large-scale biocoal technology made with forest biomass and agriculture waste. ...
By Airex Energy
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