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Incinerator Boiler Articles & Analysis

6 articles found
  • Marine Industry experience with Aalborg Industries

    Port Authorities and Governing Bodies state that a ship cannot emit smoke of >20% opacity for more than 3 minutes when in port. The IMO set similar limits for on-board incinerators. The DSL-220 Opacity Monitor has been used successfully to measure smoke emissions from diesel engines, incinerators and boilers on board ship ensuring that environmental concerns are ...

  • Controlling Stack Emissions in the Wood Products Industry & Wood Fired Boilers

    Electrostatic precipitation has been a reliable technology since the early 1900's. Originally developed to abate serious smoke nuisances, the manufacturers of zinc, copper, and lead quickly found electric gas cleaning a cost efficient way to recover valuable product carried out of the stacks from furnace operations. Today electrostatic precipitators are found mainly on large power plants, cement ...

    By PPC Industries

  • Energy from Waste (EfW)

    To recover energy from waste is a necessary and useful part of the whole waste management process. Inciner8 have developed the first truly mobile waste to energy solution in their EfW range of equipment. Using new technology they have devised the optimal way to create energy from waste and make it useable for multiple applications ranging from disinfection, heating, washing or the generation of ...

    By Inciner8 Limited

  • The Other Side of Zirconium Oxide case study

    Regular Fuel Efficiency Applications Separate Oxygen and Combustibles Sensors In standard flue gas applications for Thermox analyzers, the user generally tries to extract the maximum energy from the fuel and transfers as much of that energy as possible to the process. These applications require the process to be operated as efficiently as possible by keeping both oxygen (excess air) and ...

    By AMETEK Process Instruments

  • Feasibility analysis for biomass in cities, counties and facilities

    The commercial waste industry includes all those who collect waste from the simplest “collect waste and transport to a landfill” to the more complex “collect waste and process into re-usable components and energy.” This article will cover how we can collect material and fuel a clean energy system for our immediate future, while saving clean water and air. Why Use Biomass? ...

    By Waste Advantage Magazine

  • How Much Do Mullite Insulation Bricks Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

    When it comes to high-temperature industrial applications, Mullite Insulation Bricks are a popular choice due to their excellent thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, and resistance to thermal shock. However, one of the most common questions we hear is: How much do mullite insulation bricks cost? The answer depends on several factors, including the brick’s composition, size, and ...

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