Inverter Articles & Analysis
Comparative study on various unipolar PWM strategies for single phase five-level cascaded inverter
A single phase cascaded inverter consisting of two full bridges creates a five-level AC output voltage. Due to switch combination redundancies, there are certain degrees of freedom to generate the five-level AC output voltage. This paper presents the different types of unipolar pulse width modulation (PWM) strategies for the chosen inverter. The effectiveness of the developed strategies are ...
Hardware implementation of three–phase VSI using PIC16F877A microcontroller and optimisation using PSO
This paper reports hardware implementation of three–phase inverter using selective harmonic elimination technique by PIC16F877A microcontroller, whereas the notch angles are calculated through particle swarm optimisation (PSO) technique. This technique is proposed to minimise the overall total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output voltage of PWM inverter and corresponding switching angles are ...
Hydraulic engineering of inverted siphons in Roman age: a review
In this work the authors wish to present a technology, less known if compared with the Roman age arcaded bridges used to cross broad and deep valleys: the inverted siphons. These structures are very complex hydraulic systems: for their good functioning, in fact, not only adequate constructing tricks were necessary, but also good theoretical knowledge, to be applied during the planning stage. In ...
Neuro–fuzzy–based space vector modulation for THD reduction in VSI fed induction motor drive
Space vector modulation is an optimal pulse width modulation technique for variable speed drive application. This paper proposes adaptive neuro–fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based space vector modulation (SVM) technique for voltage source inverter. The proposed ANFIS network is independent of the switching frequency and uses hybrid learning algorithm for training. Due to this learning algorithm, ...
Improved space vector PWM algorithm for three–level voltage source inverter in overmodulation region
In high power high performance AC drive industrial applications, multilevel inverters have established their importance, as they can synthesise output waveform with improved harmonic spectrum. In this paper, an improved synchronisation and symmetrical SVPWM algorithm is proposed for three–level inverter in overmodulation region for better utilisation of DC bus and to reduce harmonic distortion. ...
A predictive algorithm for minimising dead–time distortions in sine–wave VSI with L–C output filter
In many applications, single–phase sine–wave inverters are operated with low–pass filters at the output to deliver a low–distortion sinusoidal voltage to the load. In such cases, it is essential that the output be as close to a sinusoid as possible. However, conventional bridge–type inverters, which must be operated with some dead time, suffer from dead–time distortion problems. This effect ...
Solutions to the harmonic elimination problem in a seven level inverter
Multilevel inverters have recently emerged as very important alternatives in high power applications. Several modulation methods have been applied to multilevel inverters. When utilised at low switching frequencies, existing multilevel carrier-based pulse width modulation (PWM) strategies have no special provisions to render quality output; several lower order harmonics are included in the ...
Design simulation and experimental evaluation of a three-phase controlled capacitor charging type inverter
This paper presents the design, simulation and experimental verification of a new three-phase pulse width modulated inverter. The inverter works on the principle of controlled capacitor charging, where a capacitor that is connected across the load is charged or discharged in a controlled manner to synthesise a desired waveform. The input to the inverter being a voltage source, an inductor is used ...
An adaptive hysteresis dead-band-based SVPWM method for multi-level inverter
The fast rise time of output voltage pulses (dv/dt) in PWM multi-level inverters (MLI) is one of the major factors of the increase of electromagnetic interference EMI and the shortness of motor useful life. Moreover, irregular voltage pulses, which only appear for critical modulation indexes, can deepen this interference phenomenon. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes an adaptive ...
Particle swarm optimisation-based solutions for selective harmonic elimination in single-phase PWM inverters
This paper presents accurate particle swarm optimisation based-solutions for non-linear transcendental equations of selective harmonic elimination technique used in single-phase PWM inverters. The proposed method computes efficiently the required switching angles to eliminate low order harmonics up to the 15th from the inverter voltage waveform while maintaining the amplitude of the fundamental ...
Selective harmonic elimination in VSI–fed induction motor drives using swarm and genetic optimisation
The paper presents non–traditional solutions to the problem of selective harmonic elimination (SHE) in induction motor drives fed by three–phase voltage–source inverter (VSI). The problem is independently solved using genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO). The inverter switching angles are determined such that the low–order harmonics up to the 17th are eliminated, while ...
Development of LabVIEW–based multilevel inverter with reduced number of switches
In the present scenario, the development of multilevel inverter is becoming popular for industrial applications and higher scale renewable green power technologies such as fuel cell, PV cell and wind turbine systems connected to the load. But the traditional multilevel topologies have large components and complex Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controller leading to reduced harmonics and voltage ...
Project - Laskod, Hungary, 2x0,57 MWp - Napelem Trade Kft, Naptermrs Kft
Capacity: 2 x 0,57 MWp Location: Laskod, Hungary Land: owned by the SPVs Completion date: 2018.12.19 Commercial operation: 2018.12.20 Panels: TaleSun Inverters: Huawei Energy production: ~1340 MWh/year ...
Instantaneous voltage measurement technique for PWM voltage source inverters
The pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI) is almost universally used in industrial motor drives. Although measurement of the VSI output voltage is required in many applications, accurate measurement is problematic due to the high frequency inverter switching. Many commonly used inverter output voltage measurement methods, such as indirect and direct voltage measurement, ...
Hybrid phase shifted carrier modulation fed five–phase multilevel inverter for multiphase induction motor drive
This paper proposes an energy efficient modulation scheme suitable for multilevel inverter fed five–phase induction motor. Five–phase multilevel inverter provides good quality five–phase variable voltage and variable frequency supply to five–phase induction motor, which ensure reduced torque ripple and improved drive efficiency. This modulation inherits the features of fundamental frequency ...
Project - Nova, Hungary 0,5 MWp - Gocsej Szepito Kft
Capacity: 1 x 0,5 MWp Location: Nova, Hungary Land: 1 ha Completion date: 2019.07.08 Commercial: 2019.07.09 Panels: TaleSun Inverters: Huawei Energy production: ~ 670 MWh/year ...
A simple carrier-based neutral point potential regulator for three-level diode clamped inverter
Three-level diode clamped inverter is a proven technology nowadays in medium and high power applications. Despite of its several advantages such as harmonic reduction and achieving high voltage and high power capabilities without series and parallel connections of switching devices, neutral point potential (NPP) variation is the inherent problem with this topology. This paper presents a simple ...
Project - Abadszalok, Hungary, 2x0,5 MWp - Szaloka Napkelet Kft, Szaloka Napnyugat Kft.
Capacity: 2 x 0,5 MWp Location: Abádszalók, Hungary Land: 2 x 1 ha Completion date: December 2019 Commercial: 2020.01.30. Panels: TaleSun Inverters: Huawei Energy production: 700 + 700 MWh/year ...
The Benefits of Micro Inverters
The Benefits of Micro Inverters In the solar world, one of the big debates is the whole string inverter vs. micro inverter issue. Solar inverters are the devices that convert DC power being produced by the solar panel into AC power. The debate lies in which type of inverter is better, string or micro, which both have unique functions and compatibility. The Types of Inverters Inverters ...
Project - Tiszaszolos, Hungary, 2x0,5 MWp - GS Beta Kft, GS Gamma Kft
Capacity: 2 x 0,5 MWp Location: Tiszaszolos, Hungary Land: 2 x 1 ha Completion date: March, 2020 Commercial: 2020.04.30 Panels: TaleSun Inverters: Huawei Energy production: 700 + 700 MWh/year ...
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