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Low-Nox Articles & Analysis

18 articles found
  • Project - Texas Utility Plant - Cogeneration

    Capacity: 450 mm BTU A Texas Utility Plant owns and operates eight (8) GE Frame 7B/FA combustion turbines at its generation plant located in Houston, Texas. All eight of the turbines operate normally in combined cycle mode and are utilized for onsite generation of steam and electricity. All eight turbines combust pipeline natural gas exclusively. All eight units are affected by the Clear Air ...

    By CMC Solutions, LLC

  • Alliance Oxidizer Advantages

    The Alliance Corporations Oxidizer product line has a lot of design advantages compared with standard Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers. - Proven 2- and 3 bed Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer Design - 99% plus VOC Destruction Efficiency - Up to 97% Thermal Efficiency - Up to 30% fuel savings with proven natural gas injection - Low NOx burner operation - In-house design, programming and ...

    By Alliance Corporation

  • Phase 1 Pilot Electrical Power Generation by Ener-Core Oxidizer - Case Study

    DESCRIPTION Ener-Core simulated a low energy gas (50-70 Btu/scf) produced during a proprietary drilling process at the request of a large oil and gas customer. The pilot was conducted at Ener-Core’s Test Facility, located at the University of California, Irvine. This demonstration was the first phase of the customers FP250 installation process. ENER-CORE TECHNOLOGY Ener-Core’s ...

    By Ener-Core, Inc.

  • Experience on coal reburn in a utility boiler

    Reburning is an in-furnace combustion modification technology for the reduction of NOx. By staging the introduction of the fuel, an environment is created where NOx generated by the combustion of the main fuel supply is subsequently consumed by the hydrocarbon radicals arising from the reburn fuel under reducing conditions. ENEL has retrofitted unit No. 4 of Vado Ligure power station with ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Optimizing VOC Combustion - Case Study

    Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are pre-cursors to Ozone pollution and subject to EPA regulations. Thermal and catalytic oxidizers are routinely used to destroy VOC emissions from a variety of industrial sources. NOx and CO are common byproducts created in the burning of natural gas. All of these pollutants can be effectively minimized, but the challenge is engineering a solution that ...

  • A novel approach for modelling of NOx emission reduction in a tangentially fired coal boiler

    In this research paper, predictive modelling of NOx emission of a 210 MW capacity pulverised coal–fired boiler and combustion parameter optimisation to reduce NOx emission in flue gas is proposed. The effects of oxygen concentration in flue gas, coal properties, coal flow, boiler load, air distribution scheme, flue gas outlet temperature and nozzle tilt were studied. The data collected from ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Mawera Inside Story – Biomass - Case Study

    With more than 30 years’ experience in the UK market, Mawera UK has supplied and installed wood burning boilers to numerous companies, turning wood-waste into heat for factory, office and process heating and helping companies recover the cost of their boilers through compliance with the RHI. To support progress and innovation, Mawera maintains its own levels of technology and combustion ...

    By Mawera

  • Brigham Young University Rexburg, Idaho - 5.7 MW Gas Turbine CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Rexburg, Idaho MARKET SECTOR: University FACILITY SIZE: Educates 34,000 students FACILITY Total Electrical Energy Production: 38.4 million kWh/year EQUIPMENT: 5.7 MW Solar Taurus 60 gas turbine with 50,000 lbs/hour heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) FUEL: Natural gas-fired, with dual fuel oil-firing capability for both the gas turbine and HRSG USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Steam ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Why are Dual Chamber Incinerators Best for Burning Medical Waste?

    Dual chamber incinerators are well suited to the destruction of a wide range of medical waste types. Many of our medical incinerators feature autoloaders for continuous operation – as burn rates and performance are often improved by this optional extra. The quantities of waste and their calorific value will often dictate the overall performance of any waste management solution. Parts of a ...

    By Inciner8 Limited

  • Solvay Specialty Polymers - 8 MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Marietta, Ohio MARKET SECTOR: Chemical CHP GENERATING CAPACITY: 8 MW PRIME MOVER: Solar Taurus 70 gas turbine FUEL: Natural Gas HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT: 150,000 lb/hr HRSG with fresh air firing capability Two 80,000 lb/hr package boilers HEAT RECOVERY RATE: Up to 150,000 lb/hr of 300 psig process steam USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Process heating ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS: ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • The Other Side of Zirconium Oxide case study

    Regular Fuel Efficiency Applications Separate Oxygen and Combustibles Sensors In standard flue gas applications for Thermox analyzers, the user generally tries to extract the maximum energy from the fuel and transfers as much of that energy as possible to the process. These applications require the process to be operated as efficiently as possible by keeping both oxygen (excess air) and ...

    By AMETEK Process Instruments

  • Vattenfall`s Cogeneration Power Plant Reuter West - Case Study

    The cogeneration power plant “Reuter West” was erected as a base load power plant in the vicinity of the existing “Reuter” plant. The two hard coal fired 300 MW units D and E were commissioned in 1987 and 1989. Today the cogeneration units supplying electricity and thermal energy are operated by Vattenfall Europe GmbH. The heart of each power plant is the boiler where the ...

  • Performance of the low-emission flare

    Job report / Elbisgraben (Bale / Switzerland) The summer of 1992 had finally arrived. The 5MW low emission furnace in the district heating station Liestal was ignited, supplied with landfill gas from Elbisgraben landfill. Since then the plant has been running continuously and the comprehensive measurements taken, verify that all targets aimed at have been achieved: plant efficiency 90%, low ...

    By Hofstetter BV

  • University of Massachusetts - 16 MW CHP Plant - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Amherst, Massachusetts FUEL: Natural Gas and Oil MAX CAPACITY: 16 MW POLLUTION CONTROL: Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: 99.3% SOx Reduction, 93% NOx Reduction, 96% CO Reduction AVERAGE CAPACITY FACTOR: ~ 75% ENERGY OUTPUT: 100,000 MWh per year IN OPERATION SINCE: April 2009 EQUIPMENT: 10 MW Solar Gas Turbine; 4 MW and 2 MW Steam Turbines USE OF ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • What are Incinerator Machines? An idiot’s guide

    What is an incinerator machine? An incinerator machine is a mechanical unit that is built to destroy waste. this happens by burning the waste at an extremely high temperature, reducing it to bottom ash. The machines can be manufactured from small garden waste incinerators, all the way to large scale industrial sized machines. Waste of all manners is burned until it is reduced to nothing but ...

    By Inciner8 Limited

  • Difficult Complex Decisions For Coal-fired Power Plant Operators

    Changing fuel prices, government regulations and technology all combine to make decision making difficult for operators and developers of coal-fired power generation facilities around the world. Power plant designers in developing countries face new local environmental regulations plus additional requirements stipulated by lenders such as the World Bank. In the developed world, the regulations ...

    By The McIlvaine Company

  • Case study - Keeping ethanol production green

    OVERVIEW Originally published in Pollution Engineering Magazine. In an effort to reduce the world’s dependence on fossil fuels, there has been a major push towards alternatives. Ethanol has been at the forefront of this movement because it reduces greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles and its production has a positive net energy balance. The homegrown fuel also reduces the need for ...

  • Chances for Bio-LNG

    Abstract An increasing effort is put into the utilization of organic waste streams in anaerobic digesters, producing useful products such as fertilizers and biogas. It becomes increasingly attractive to upgrade biogas to natural gas quality and consequently liquefy the gas to Bio-LNG. DMT Environmental Technology has been developing biogas treatment plants for over 25 years, closely following ...

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