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Methane Landfill Articles & Analysis

19 articles found
  • 11.4 MWe - Landfill Gas Fuel Simple Cycle Power Plant Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill - Case Study

    OWNER/OPERATOR Fortistar END USER Concord Energy LLC PROJECT ENGINEERING SCS Engineers CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT McCarthy & Smith, Inc. PRODUCT Two (2) 5.7 MWe Taurus 60 Gas Turbine Generator Sets CUSTOMER VALUE High Availability and Local Renewable Energy Supply The Concord Energy facility at the Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill in North Carolina helps fulfill a regional need for ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Flare station is replaced at Berkeley’s Cesar Chavez Park

    The old flare station at Berkeley’s Cesar Chavez Park, built amid controversy in 1989, is gone. A crew from Innovative Construction Solutions (ICS), aided by Hatton Crane Service, under the watchful eyes of Taylor Lancelot of the City of Berkeley and a representative from SCS Engineers, who built the system originally, took down the rusty leaning tower in a seven-hour session on Tuesday, ...

  • Landfill gas, canola and biodiesel: working towards a sustainable system

    Snohomish County in western Washington State began converting its vehicle fleet to a blend of biodiesel in 2005. As prices for biodiesel rose due to increased demand for this cleaner-burning fuel, Snohomish County looked to its farmers to “grow” this fuel locally. Suitable oil seed crops for biodiesel feedstock include canola, mustard and camelina. The residue, or meal, has high value ...

    By Waste Advantage Magazine

  • Combined Heat and Power Project Waste to Energy - Bay View Wastewater Treatment Plant - Case Study

    OWNER City of Toledo Division of Water Reclamation LOCATION Toledo, Ohio PRODUCT Taurus'" 60 (5.7 MWe) Gas Turbines CUSTOMER VALUE Sustainability The Bay View Wastewater Treatment Plant in Toledo, Ohio processes over 2.5 million gallons of liquid waste per hour. The wastewater treatment plant produces flammable gas as a byproduct of its solid waste disgestjon process and is only two miles ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Do not overlook your business’ intellectual assets

    Intellectual property (IP) plays a vital role in all industries, from manufacturing processes to commercial products, phones to pharmaceuticals and everything in between. And the waste management field is no exception—especially as more environmentally-friendly and more efficient means of waste disposal are invented. In almost every business—even those that are thought of as ...

    By Waste Advantage Magazine

  • Advantages of Waste Incineration

    Waste incineration is a treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials by means of high temperatures. Waste Incineration technology can be installed in several sectors to treat hazardous waste, refining residues, chemical waste, pharmaceutical waste, hospital & medical waste, waste water plant sludge, NORM (natural radioactive) waste, etc. ...

    By TECAM

  • What is energy recovery?

    Processes like incineration and anaerobic digestion not only provide sources of energy, but they also reduce waste volume The term “energy recovery” often is applied only to a narrow number of methods for converting wastes into energy, when in fact it applies to a broad range of technologies used to create heat, electricity, or fuel. Energy recovery gives governments and businesses ...

    By Fluence Corporation

  • Estimates of CO2 emissions reduction and potential power generation from biogas at Mare Chicose landfill

    In this study, the annual generation of Landfill Gas (LFG) and methane using the Scholl-Canyon model have been predicted for 1998-2030 for five scenarios of landfill management at the Mare Chicose landfill in Mauritius. Using the Approved Large-Scale Methodology AM003 and Approved Baseline Methodology AM0010 of the Approved Methodologies for CDM activities, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Using biogas for combined heat and power

    An integral part of the majority of anaerobic digestion facilities across the world is the CHP combined heat and power (CHP) engine. For the first time builder of a biogas plant, it is often neglected as the focus is on reducing the capital costs of the installation. However, the engine is integral to the plant, and is the key component in the production of renewable electricity, hence the ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Using biogas for combined heat and power

    An integral part of the majority of anaerobic digestion facilities across the world is the CHP combined heat and power (CHP) engine. For the first time builder of a biogas plant, it is often neglected as the focus is on reducing the capital costs of the installation. However, the engine is integral to the plant, and is the key component in the production of renewable electricity, hence the ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Santa Clara converts low concentration landfill gas to clean energy

    Landfills are an excellent source of methane-rich gas that can be used to generate renewable power. Methane is produced at a landfill as trash decomposes and can be used as fuel for a gas generator to produce electricity. Since 1986, the City of Santa Clara had successfully done this, and had been able to export power to a local utility. However, over time, gas production at a closed landfill ...

    By Waste Advantage Magazine

  • Infinis uses eSight for load balancing across their UK biogas plants

    Infinis is the UK‟s largest independent generator of renewable power from biogas, producing 10% of the nation‟s total green energy. They operate 80 sites across the UK, employing over 200 people. The Requirement One of the naturally occurring products of decomposing organic matter in landfill sites is gas. Around 60% of landfill gas is methane; a highly potent greenhouse gas with a ...

    By eSight Energy Ltd

  • What is Incineration?

    What is incineration? “Everything you ever wanted to know, but never dared to ask!” In its most basic form, it is the destruction of something, especially waste material, by burning. Incineration is a thermo-decomposition process where the components present in the waste stream are ionized into harmless elements at a higher temperature in the presence of oxygen. This process is one ...

    By Inciner8 Limited

  • Biochar Carbon Credit Trade: Why It Matters

    The global fight against climate change has spurred innovative solutions to reduce carbon emissions and enhance carbon sequestration. Among these, biochar carbon credit trade is emerging as a promising mechanism to incentivize sustainable practices while mitigating climate change. But why does it matter? This article delves into the significance of biochar in the carbon credit market, its ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • How Biomass Pyrolysis Technology Reduces Carbon Footprint

    Biomass pyrolysis stands at the forefront of innovative technologies aimed at mitigating environmental degradation. By transforming organic materials into valuable by-products, it offers a multifaceted approach to reducing carbon emissions. This process not only addresses the critical issue of waste management but also contributes significantly to sustainable energy production. Understanding ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Advantages Of Tire To Oil Pyrolysis Plant Technology

    Waste tires are one of the biggest global contributors to air pollution and water pollution. People incinerate scrap tires because these people have a high heat index, but burning rubber contributes to lots of atmospheric pollutants. While tires contain more carbon than many fossil fuels, that doesn't make burning them best for the planet. Populations will also be sending increasing quantities of ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Maximizing Profits with Biochar Machine Technology

    The growing interest in sustainability and resource efficiency has positioned biochar production as a key element in the circular economy. A biochar machine offers an efficient way to convert organic waste into high-value products that benefit both the environment and the economy. The versatility of biochar, combined with the increasing demand for eco-friendly solutions, makes investing in ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Tire Resurrection: Tyre Pyrolysis Plant and the Circular Life of Rubber

    In a world grappling with the environmental repercussions of massive waste generation, the quest for sustainable solutions has led to innovations that challenge traditional notions of waste disposal. One such revolutionary process is tyre pyrolysis, a technology that promises not just disposal but a circular life for rubber. In this exploration, we delve into the intricacies of tire resurrection ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Bolivar wastewater treatment plant cogeneration facility to be Installed by Clarke Energy - Case Study

    The Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is the largest wastewater treatment plant in the Adelaide region, processing almost 70% of Adelaide’s metropolitan wastewater. The South Australian Government has approved a $25.8 million project for SA Water to optimise the energy utilisation on the site. This project will provide a major upgrade to the WWTP power supply by the installation of ...

    By Clarke Energy

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