Ocean Power Articles & Analysis
Ocean Power connects wave energy system to grid
Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (Pennington, NJ) announced that it has achieved what it claims to be the first-ever connection of a wave-energy system to the power grid in the United States. Ocean Power’s PB40 Powerbuoy system is now delivering power to the grid at the U.S. Marine Corps Base Hawaii on the island of Oahu. The Powerbuoy unit, which was installed in December 2009 at a depth of ...
C-Power Featured in Upstream`s Coverage of OTC 2021 Advances in Robotics Session
C-Power CEO Reenst Lesemann presented at the 2021 Offshore Technology Conference’s Advances in Robotics technical session August 18, leading to coverage by reporter Jennifer Presley of oil and gas exploration and production-focused publication Upstream. Presley’s story zeroed in on the challenges faced by the offshore energy industry as it attempts to unleash a wave of new ...
The Economic Tide of this Renewable Resource is Rising
In the early 1970s, various types of wave energy converters were proposed as concerns surrounding the 1973 oil crisis began to rise. Since then, R&D of wave energy has been growing as more and more investors and engineers have acknowledged the resource’s environmental and economic benefits. According to a 2020 Market Research Report, the global wave energy market is projected to reach ...
Research and development in ocean energy technologies
The volatile fuel prices for electricity generation, elevated concerns about global warming and energy security has prompted countries to look for alternative energy sources. One of the alternative energy sources is ocean energy. Currently, there is few ocean energy technologies that are commercially available to harness electrical energy from ocean despite the fact that ocean covers more than ...
Oceans of Energy
Technologies that harness the energy of moving water or temperature differentials in the oceans promise to deliver abundant carbon-free electricity. Long before humans got hooked on fossil fuels, we learned how to harness the power of water to do work. Rivers ran mills that ground flour, sawed logs or spun looms that transformed fibers into textiles. Later generations realized that moving water ...
By Ensia
A binary ACO for controlling all–electric power take off system in wave energy converters
This paper describes a metaheuristic algorithm for controlling all–electric power take off (PTO) system of wave energy converters. It provides optimal parameter values to the controller following the instantaneously changing sea state. The output of the algorithm is used to tune the electrical control systems in the PTO system in order to provide sufficient time for the point absorber to achieve ...
Three bridges to a world energy future – nuclear, coal and oil
'Bridge to the future' is a phrase that is often used in discussing the energy and power needs decades ahead. Some advocates suggest that renewables such as solar and wind are that bridge to a time when the planet will use less energy overall and with fewer environmental consequences. Others have proposed conservation, either voluntary or imposed by governments. Based on present knowledge, it is ...
A small island in the Indian Ocean offers big lessons on clean power
The Indonesian island Sumba is working to provide 100% renewable electricity to all 650,000 residents by 2025. As the sun sets on the small Indonesian island of Sumba, Danga Beru Haba begins weaving under the glow of a single incandescent lightbulb, the only one in her home. Although she is tired from working dawn to dusk in the fields surrounding her village of Kampung Kalihi, the sarong she is ...
By Ensia
Generation using gas-fuelled engines in South Africa – an overview
Most gas engines are Otto cycle spark ignition internal combustion reciprocating engines using natural gas as the primary fuel. Smaller models utilise stochiometric combustion while the larger engines are lean burn engines with pre-chamber ignition systems. The engines are coupled with packaged generator sets, cogeneration and, even, trigeneration units to optimise energy utilisation in the fuel ...
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