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Plasma Torches Articles & Analysis

2 articles found
  • Drosrite extensive on-site hot dross treatment tests

    DROSRITE is a salt-free process for the recovery of metal from dross. In addition to producing a salt-free residue, it does not produce any CO2 or NOx gases. The process is highly energy efficient, extracting heat from energy in the residue and, thus, it does not require an external heat source such as a plasma torch, an electric arc or a gas or oil burner. A DROSRITE pilot unit built by ...

    By PyroGenesis Inc.

  • Fly Ash Treatment – Plasma Torches versus Graphite Electrodes

    Background Plasma generating devices have to be designed to tolerate incredibly harsh conditions during operation and in particular very high heat loads and temperatures around the arc. However, when used in the vitrification of highly chlorinated materials the challenge is even greater than in other applications. The combination of high general furnace temperatures, extremely high local ...

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