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Power Plant Efficiency Articles & Analysis

65 articles found
  • Captive power plant efficiency for Africa

    Power distribution networks across Africa are notoriously unreliable. Frequent power interruptions can be enormously costly for many of the continent’s factories. Not only do power outages disrupt production batches, they can also damage or reduce the life of important plant components such as kilns. This too has a knock-on effect on wider the country’s gross domestic product – ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Effect of reforming on the overall efficiency of a solid oxide fuel-cell based power plant system fed by methane

    In the present work, energy and exergy system analysis are used to estimate the thermodynamic performance of a SOFC system fuelled by methane. More precisely, the present work examines in detail the influence of the presence or absence of the reformer within the whole apparatus and the consequent energy and exergy losses due to the reforming process. It was found that the exergetic efficiency for ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Advanced processes for low rank coal drying and dewatering in high efficient power plants

    During the combustion of high-moisture lignites (50?60 wt.%) in conventional power plants, a substantial amount of the energy content is required to evaporate the water. With a view to secure and strengthen brown coal's position as high available energy source, in recent years many attempts have been made to develop technologies for an energy-efficient drying or dewatering process. In this paper ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Chemical exergy analysis of Afşin–Elbistan lignite and its effects on the thermal power plant exergy efficiency

    In this study, the chemical exergy of low profile industrial lignite has been studied through a case study at the 1440 MW Afşin–Elbistan B lignite–fired power plant. Chemical exergy methods in the literature were applied to design lignite to investigate results on the exergy efficiency of the power plant for different power rates. The ASTM standard and well known methods have been compared by ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Exergy analysis and performance evaluation of Kizildere Geothermal Power Plant, Turkey

    Conventional geothermal power plants (GPP) differ from fossil-fuel power plants (FFPP) in many ways. The most specific ones are that GPPs are not cyclic plants and the working fluid is not pure steam. Geothermal steam contains non-condensable gases (NCG) which degrade power plant efficiency. This discrepancy leads to two considerations in energy and exergy analysis of GPPs. One is that the amount ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Improving steam power plant efficiency through exergy analysis: effects of altering excess combustion air and stack-gas temperature

    Modifications are examined to increase coal-fired steam power plant efficiency by reducing irreversibilities in the steam generator, including decreasing the fraction of excess combustion air, and/or the stack-gas temperature. Overall-plant energy and exergy efficiencies both increase by 1.4% when the fraction of excess combustion air decreases from 0.4 to 0.15, and by 3.5% when the stack-gas ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Negawatts beat megawatts in New England

    Energy efficiency advocates have argued for years that a negawatt is cheaper than a megawatt. That is, it is less costly to install energy efficiency equipment and reduce consumption than to build new power plants. In New England, the premise was recently tested, and the results should hearten anyone in the efficiency business. ISO New England invited demand-side resources, like energy ...

  • Optimal maximum continuous operating load of fuel fired steam–based generating units

    This paper establishes the optimal maximum continuous operating load of fuel fired steam based thermal units without endangering the operation, asset life or carbon footprint. The interconnectivity between unit loadability and energy efficiency (represented by heat rate) enables the unit to be loaded to as high as 10% over and above the 100% maximum continuous rating (MCR) provided the energy ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Energy analysis of Brayton combined cycles

    Economic and environmental considerations dictate the need for improved fuel utilisation in thermal power stations. To meet this goal, a design project was undertaken to assess the suitability for Combined Cycle application of different Gas Turbine (GT) cycles: Simple, Intercooled, Reheated, Intercooled/Reheated, Intercooled/Reheated/Regenerative cycle. Comparative figures for efficiency and ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Energy efficiency: not a sound bite business

    I’m a star at the neighborhood playground because I write about energy. Let me explain. I have a young son, and often find myself next to the swings talking with other parents. Inevitably we talk about work. Inevitably it comes up that I know a little about energy. And inevitably I'm surrounded by a crowd that wants to know-- demands to know--why the US doesn’t use more green energy. They are ...

  • Electricity reforms and firm level responses: changing ownership, fuel choices, and technology decisions

    This paper examines how electricity reforms in India managed to influence the responses of generating firms. Indian electricity reforms have federal and state character. This paper utilises an extensive survey of generation units in Gujarat State. The findings suggest that reforms have created heterogeneous ownership of generation units. The fuel-mix and technology choices of new owners differ ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • The one energy efficiency report to read

    Jon Wellinghoff, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, raised a lot of eyebrows recently when he suggested that the US may no longer need to build conventional power plants – that efficiency and renewable energy might meet our needs.He has since clarified his position, saying much will depend on how we think about energy, its use in the system, and market response.Still, critics ...

  • Maize Products Biogas CHP Gujarat - Case Study

    With a legacy of over seven decades, Maize Products has exemplified corn milling from a modest 1 tonne/day of crushing in the year 1941 to a crushing of 650 tonnes/day today. Honoured with the National Award for Import Substitution in the year 1976, Maize Products actively contributes in the research and development of starch & starch derivatives. Harnessing renewable energy, Maize Products ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Finding a reliable Pyrolysis Reactor Design

    There are numerous things you'll need to take into consideration when choosing equipment to your pyrolysis plant, like the overall quality of the machinery and your budget. Another element you'll want to consider is the design of the machinery you're buying. You should focus on finding a reliable pyrolysis plant design. Research Manufacturers It can be hard to gauge a pyrolysis reactor in the ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • Renewable energies in Tunisia: trends and competitiveness till 2030

    The present work deals with the application of international standards on Tunisian power network in order to predict trend and competitiveness of electric power plants. It was made in partnership with the Renewable Energy Department of the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company (STEG–PEREE). Such work is considered as the first strategic study held for the help of STEG and national development ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Assessing and improving the efficiencies of a steam power plant using exergy analysis. Part 1: assessment

    Energy and exergy analyses are used to examine the performance of a coal-fired steam power plant and to identify and evaluate possible modifications to improve the efficiency of the plant. The exergy analysis provides a detailed breakdown of the exergy losses (including waste exergy emissions and internal irreversibilities) for the overall plant and its components. The results show that ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • International plan makes efficiency top priority

    By Elisa Wood July 8, 2010 While several clean energy technologies play an important role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, none compare to energy efficiency, according to a new report by the International Energy Agency. “Increasing energy efficiency, much of which can be achieved through low-cost options, offers the greatest potential for reducing CO2 emissions over the period ...

  • Power Sector Opportunities for Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Michigan

    According to new WRI analysis, in the near- to mid-term, Michigan can meet and possibly exceed future emissions standards for existing power plants. The state has renewable energy (RPS) and energy efficiency standards in place that are already set to achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions from the power sector. WRI analysis finds that Michigan can reduce its CO2 emissions 33 percent ...

  • CHP efficiency for biogas

    Combined heat and power plant efficiency is a function of the conversion efficiency of the energy in the fuel gas to useful energy in the form of electricity and heat. A combined heat and power (CHP) plant is typically a reciprocating gas engine that uses the energy in the gas to drive a crank shaft. The crank shaft turns an alternator to produce electricity. Heat is released during the gas ...

    By Clarke Energy

  • Energy efficiency management in India: a supply side perspective

    The rapid pace of India's industrial development has altered the demand-supply situation for power generation and also set the process of opening up of markets by state regulators. In the backdrop of the expected growth rate of 9% envisaged for the Indian economy, power sector requires a capacity addition of 78,000 MW in the 11th Plan with the objective of 'power for all by 2012'. During fiscal ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

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