Power Turbine Articles & Analysis: Older
Exergetic and exergo–economic analysis of a turboprop engine: a case study for CT7–9C
The turboprop engine has played an important role in short haul commuter and military transport aircraft where high speed is not critical. It may provide the aviation sector with one of the most significant means of achieving reduced operating costs through reductions in fuel consumption. This paper deals with exergo–economic analysis of a modern turboprop engine (CT7–9C) with a free power ...
PLTM Cilaki 1B, Indonesia - Case Study
PLTM Cilaki 1B power plant 3 turbine-generator units each of Pmax = 3.4 MW have been tested, commissioned and put into commercial operation since the first quarter of 2018 ...
Study of available exhaust gas heat recovery technologies for HD diesel engine applications
Diesel engines reject a considerable amount of energy to the ambience through the exhaust gas. Significant reduction of engine brake-specific fuel consumption (bsfc) could be attained by recovering a significant part of exhaust gas heat. Various techniques have been proposed in the past to recover exhaust energy: mechanical, electrical turbocompounding and Rankine Bottoming Cycles. In the present ...
Understanding and improving energy conversion systems with the aid of exergy–based methods
Exergy–based methods are powerful tools for developing, evaluating and improving an energy conversion system. Conventional exergy–based analyses have limitations, which are significantly reduced by the so–called advanced analyses. The latter evaluate: (a) the interactions among components of the overall system, and (b) the real potential for improving a system component. The main objective of ...
Energy and exergy analysis of a gas turbine power plant in Algeria
An exergy analysis of a twin ABB GT13E2 Gas Turbines (GTs) power plant (2 ? 146.2 MW) is presented in this paper. This plant is running since 2004 at F'Krina in the northeastern part of Algeria. The analysis was performed by the flow-sheet programme, 'Cycle-Tempo'. At off-design load (83%), the plant and its apparatus conserve nearly the same design load performances. However, the performance of ...
Usages of free-flow hydraulic turbines and boosting their energy efficiency
The article analyses engineering solutions of free-flow hydraulic turbines and ways of making them more energy efficient through application of the hydrodynamic effect of boosting the flow power. Keywords: energy; energy efficiency; capacity; power; turbine; free-flow; flow; water wheel; depth; hydrodynamic; effect; feedback; hydraulic jump MAIN PART INTRODUCTION The issue of using energy ...
Wind energy today and in the 21st century
Wind energy is the most promising of the new renewable sources of energy. By the end of 1998, the global installed capacity of modern grid connected wind turbines was some 10,000 MW, and the growth rates of installations worldwide are 30%-40% annually. The cost of wind energy was reduced by 30% between 1991 and 1997 and the cost reduction is foreseen to continue. This article reviews the reasons ...
Numerical simulation of a large power steam turbine run-up
The purpose of this paper is to propose a new behavioural evaluation of a large steam turbine during the run-up period based on a numerical simulation of the transient fluid dynamic processes that occur in the turbine during start-up. The transient process begins when the run-up valve starts its opening trip and ends when the rotor speed achieves the required value. This original approach is a ...
Steady-state analysis of doubly fed induction generators for wind turbines using MATLAB
A wind energy conversion system (WECS) differs from a conventional power system. The power output of a conventional power plant can be controlled whereas; the power output of a WECS depends on the wind. This nature of WECS makes it difficult for analysis, design and management. Various approaches have been developed to study the behaviour of WECS. In this paper, the steady-state characteristics ...
Vector control of current regulated inverter connected to grid for wind energy applications
Connecting variable speed wind turbine connected to the grid requires a proper control of the inverter to improve the power quality for the system. The vector control of an inverter connected to the grid is presented. The proposed control technique implies a hysteresis current controller in the inner loop. The complete control system has been developed, analysed, and validated by simulation ...
Energy and exergy analysis of reverse Brayton refrigerator for Gas Turbine power boosting
In this study the use of Reverse Brayton cycle to boost up the power of gas turbine power plants operating in hot humid ambiance is analysed by the energy and exergy methods. The gas turbine inlet temperature is reduced by mixing the chilled air from Brayton refrigeration cycle and the main intake air stream reaching low intake temperatures. In this paper the effect of irreversibilities in the ...
The power coefficient of windmills in ideal conditions
The windmill efficiency, also designated as the power coefficient, is defined as the ratio of the actual power output to the power present in the free stream of a fluid flowing through the same cross-sectional area. There are remarks in the literature to the effect that the power coefficient of actual windmills is very close to the ideal power coefficient or Betz limit of 0.5926. In this paper, ...
Guidetubes for wide range of turbine inspections
Guidetubes are a great accessory for your 4mm borescopes. The combination of borescopes and guidetubes allow you to inspect turbines without taking apart said turbine. They’re essential for directing borescopes into specific areas during the inspection process, and with the use of articulating borescopes, they’re perfect for snaking through tight spaces and around corners. Most ...
Productivity of small wind turbines for various wind potentials conditions: application in Bulgaria and Corsica
Less or more accurate power curve models are generally used to simulate the wind turbine electrical production versus the available wind speed. However, if such models are adapted to large machines, this is not the case for small ones. The objective of this paper is to study the impact of different small-scale wind turbines power curves and wind distributions on the electrical production. An ...
Thermodynamic and environmental consideration of advanced gas turbine cycles with reheat and recuperator
The role of gas turbine power plants in electrical energy production has been considerably increased in the last two to three decades. Various methods have been proposed to improve the performance of gas turbine cycles. In this research, two methods, a reheat cycle (RC) and a cycle with a reheat and a recuperator (RHC), were investigated and compared with a simple cycle (SC). The main objective ...
Assessing the benefits of a provision of system services by distributed generation
Distributed Generation (DG) units are said to have the potential to become an integral part of the future power systems. Today, DG units are characterised by high specific investment costs, but nevertheless are politically promoted because of their high degree of energy efficiency and their capability of reducing the current dependency on fossil fuels. However, at longer term DG units have to ...
Exergetic analysis of gas turbine plants
An exergetic analysis was performed for a 116-MW gas-turbine power plant. Mass and energy conservation laws were applied to each component of the system. Quantitative exergy balance for each component and for the whole system was considered. In this study, the exergy of a material stream is decomposed into thermal, mechanical and chemical exergy and an entropy-production flow. The effect of a ...
Reducing costs of emerging renewable energy technologies – an analysis of the dynamic development with wind power as case study
Renewable energy is considered important to improve environmental performance and the long-term security of energy supply. As most renewable energy technologies are not competitive in conventional power markets, they need public support in order to become so. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and understand the dynamic structure in development of renewable energy technologies in connection ...
Evaluating Sustainability of Wind Energy: Fact-Based Insights Through LCA
Decarbonization of the power sector plays a key role in achieving climate neutrality and net-zero targets in line with the 1.5ºC goal of the Paris Agreement. Therefore, the rapid transformation from fossil to renewable energy sources such as wind or solar is becoming increasingly important and crucial for countries aiming for ambitious climate targets. Despite the global pandemic, the ...
S.I.C.A.E of Precy - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study
The work decomposed into several phases: Optimisation of turbines installed in 1926 in right bank to reach 420 kW. Change of regulating system for the power and the water level. Installation of a supplementary turbine of 80 KW power in left ...
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