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Power Turbine Articles & Analysis: Older

160 articles found
  • Saving Renewable Energy for a Rainy Day

    Despite advances in renewable energy technologies, one of the largest hurdles in their widespread adoption has been their intermittent reliability. Energy is only useful if it is available as the grid demands it, which is why concerns about carbon emissions are overridden in favor of the more dependable oil, coal and gas for baseload power. In order for renewable sources such as wind and solar ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Determining performance characteristics crucial for CSP

    As the development of large-scale CSP projects begins in the United States, the ability to accurately determine the performance characteristics in the efficiency, heat losses and overall power output of plants under operation is essential for generating widespread confidence in CSP technologies. After more than 10 years in hibernation, parabolic trough technology has been revived again with ...

  • More Power & Efficiency on a 7FA in the Middle East at 50°C Case Study

    Powerphase collaborated with the Tamimi Group of Companies and Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) to demonstrate Turbophase system’s ability to boost F-class gas turbine (GT) power output at the high ambient air temperatures that Saudi Arabian summers are known for. Besides having hot summers, Saudi Arabian labor costs are high such that any technology that reduces plant downtime can help ...

    By Powerphase International

  • A novel technique proposed for automatic control of small hydro power plants

    A new scheme is proposed for the speed control of hydro turbines. Power can be controlled by controlling the rotary motion of the spear valve or linear motion of the sluice gate. In this paper, necessity for speed control, various function of governors, types, speed regulation of micro-hydroelectric power plants, functional block diagram of power generation and control system general models for ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • A two-stage power electronic interface for fuel cell-based power supply system

    The increasing energy demands, insufficient availability of power generation and increasing global environmental problems, need alternate/green power sources. Among the different green power technologies such as wind power, photovoltaic, gas turbine and fuel cell, the fuel cell-based distributed generation is considered as one of the most promising solutions for stand-alone/grid applications due ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Industrial Maintenance for Compressor Stations

    Transporting natural gas via pipelines is very safe and cost-efficient. However, in order for the transportation process to work properly it is imperative that the natural gas be kept at the correct pressure. To accomplish this compressor stations are needed at regular intervals. Let’s take a look at some key components of compressor stations as well as industrial maintenance needs. The ...

    By STI Group, Inc.

  • Eesti Energia AS - Linnamae, Estonia - Case Study

    Linnamae plant is located in northern Estonia in Jagala-river, about 1.5 km from the coast of Baltic Sea and 30 km east from the city of Tallinn. The original plant has been designed by Finnish professor Axel Verner Juselius in the year 1917 and it has been constructed during 1922-24. The plant has been exploded during the Second World War in 1941. The original plant consisted of spillover dam, ...

    By Waterpumps WP Oy

  • Capitol Power Plant - 7.5 MW CHP System - Case Study

    Quick Facts LOCATION: Washington, D.C. MARKET SECTOR: District Energy & Federal Facility FACILITY SIZE: 7.5 megawatts (MW) Combustion Turbine FACILITY PEAK LOAD: 7.5 MW EQUIPMENT: Combustion Turbine FUEL: Natural Gas (w/ Fuel Oil Backup) USE OF THERMAL ENERGY: Power (backpressure steam turbine), Heating, Domestic Hot Water and Reheat CHP TOTAL EFFICIENCY: 75% ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: Reduce ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Efficiency stimulus will lower energy bills, says federal report

    Depending on your position, the federal stimulus money is either a jobs builder or a national budget buster. The Energy Information Administration offers another take. In a recent analysis, the EIA finds that stimulus money should reduce what consumers and businesses pay to heat, cool and light buildings. The federal agency this month updated its annual energy outlook to compare how energy ...

  • 24 MWe - Natural Gas Fuel Combined Heat and Power Plant - University of Illinois Hospital - Case Study

    OWNER University of Illinois Hospital PROJECT ENGINEERING EME, LLC ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION Solar Turbines Incorporated PRODUCT Three (3) Taurus 70 Natural Gas Turbine Generator Gets With Heat Recovery Boilers CUSTOMER VALUE Power Reliability, Energy Savings, Reduced Emissions, Island Mode Operation A major hospital that treats critically ill patients cannot afford power ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Aircraft Electrical Power Distribution Systems

    Currently, many aircraft systems rely on hydraulic, pneumatic, and other mechanical forms of systems, though this trend is currently changing as newer technological capabilities progress. With the advancing technologies and benefits of the aircraft electrical system, aircraft design is shifting to favor electronic equipment over traditional mechanical systems. Aircraft electrical systems can save ...

    By NSN Parts Now

  • Innovation risk slows offshore wind foundation development

    As offshore wind technology develops ever more gigantic machines further from shore into deeper waters, it is common wisdom that new foundation technologies are needed. But are they? Monopile, and some jacket foundations, still dominate the offshore wind market in commercial operation. Prototype floating foundations are performing well in demo or pilot projects, but scaling up is only just ...

  • Increase filter life and lower pressure drop, gas turbine - Case Study

    With rising energy costs and shortages around the world, the Power and Process industries continue to seek innovative solutions. The demand for energy worldwide continues to rise faster than generating capacity, and the deregulation of the electric power industry has created a demand for products that will make power producers more efficient. Foreign matter entering the air houses of Gas ...

    By Munters

  • Siemens Takes A Good Step Towards Energy Efficiency

    The contemporary world today is facing a lot of economic and environmental challenges. It is important to find a quick and sustainable solution. Siemens, the market leader in power technology, concentrates on renewable energy, solar energy and wind power especially. The demand of solar energy and wind power in the United States is increasing as it is helping the nation to achieve the state of ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Pushing the Limits of Reengineering

    Cutting-edge turbine technology enables more efficient and cleaner power generation. However, the service of advanced gas turbines is challenging—especially when parts need to be replaced. The example of a blade replacement project shows how Sulzer establishes innovative reengineering processes and contributes to a secure energy supply that causes less carbon emission. A Sulzer customer ...

    By Sulzer Ltd.

  • Official market forecast for South Africa’s Wind Energy Industry released

    2015’s official Wind Energy Forecast for the South African market was released today detailing the key market trends in 2015 for wind energy in in the country. Leading experts from Vestas, Siemens, Barclays, and Green Cape discussed key questions facing this year’s wind energy market inside the 8 page report. This January, experts from across the industry were asked five key ...

  • What rural Alaska can teach the world about renewable energy

    I flew into Unalakleet, Alaska, on a late fall day. With about 700 people, Unalakleet is large by rural Alaska standards and serves as a regional hub. The village is located on a sandy spit of land where a clear river meets the turbid water of the Bering Sea. Out the plane window the sun shone bright, glittering off the wind-tossed whitecaps of the sea. To the east, the rolling Nulato Hills, clad ...

    By Ensia

  • Santa Fe company aims to turn motion of waves into electricity

    A Santa Fe company plans to turn ocean waves into electricity off Peru’s coast in the spring. Atmocean is run by Philip Kithil, an entrepreneur and inventor. Chris White, a native Santa Fean, works as the project administrator, and both understand the ocean and waves better than most landlocked New Mexicans. “There are a lot of exciting advantages here versus traditional ...

    By Atmocean, Inc.

  • Tech-Deep-Dive: How Kitekraft Solves Aerodynamics

    Aerodynamics is an interesting and one of the most challenging fields of science and engineering. You can even win $1 million if you can contribute to the understanding of the underlying math. Aerodynamics is generally described with the Navier-Stokes-Equations, but even the fastest super computer in the world is not capable to solve these equations directly for a reasonable engineering problem. ...

    By Kitekraft

  • Centrifugal CSP could offer siting breakthroughs, $60/MWh power

    A new ceramic particle CSP receiver soon to be tested in the U.S. could lower the cost of energy by up to 20% and accelerate industrial heat deployment through particle transport innovations, Reiner Buck, Head of Solar Tower Systems at German Aerospace Centre (DLR), told New Energy Update. Last month, the U.S. Department of Energy allocated $750,000 of funding to Sandia National Laboratories ...

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