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Power Turbine Articles & Analysis

160 articles found
  • The alternative to coal in South Africa

    With a desperate need for dispatchable generation, South Africa should be readily embracing CSP as a low-carbon, sustainable, base load energy alternative. So why do its energy authorities remain unconvinced? This question has formed the subject of Part 2 of the CSP Today South Africa Guide. London, UK October 11 2011 Forget green energy: while most nations are concerned about carbon ...

  • 2013 to be Record Year for Offshore Wind

    Offshore wind power installations are on track to hit a seventh consecutive annual record in 2013. Developers added 1,080 megawatts of generating capacity in the first half of the year, expanding the world total by 20 percent in just six months. Fifteen countries host some 6,500 megawatts of offshore wind capacity. Before the year is out, the world total should exceed 7,100 megawatts. Although ...

    By Earth Policy Institute

  • Supporting the lifecycle of energy infrastructures with Smart O&M

    In the era of industry 4.0, most energy projects in Asia still enter commercial operation without a maintenance system in place. Instead, the operation and maintenance (O&M) team, already busy with start-up issues, struggles to gather technical documentation, to define paper-based procedures and when time allows, years later, to implement computerized system. For maintenance, the earlier the ...

    By Siveco China

  • PLTM Karekan, Indonesia - Case Study

    Strojirny Brno Co. has put into operation its two units with Francis turbines each of power output 4 MW at SHPP Karekan, Central Java, Indonesia in March-April ...

    By Strojírny Brno, a.s.

  • 5.7 MWe Combined Heat and Power Plant - Coke Oven Gas in Chemical Manufacturing - Case Study

    OWNER Jinneng Coal Gasification Chemical Co., Ltd. LOCATION Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China PRODUCT Taurus 60 Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Sustainable Power for China Coking Industry Jinneng is an integrated chemical enterprise focusing on the production and sales of coal derivative chemicals and refined chemical products. One of the company's main products is coke, which is ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • New Generation Small Wind Turbines for Remote Power Systems and Grid Connection

    In this collaborative activity Partners will undertake research and develop economically viable, reliable small wind turbines for remote power systems located away from the electricity grid as well as for connection into the grid. This project will study small wind turbine operation in a wide range of situations, with the goals of improving design, developing safety methodologies and reducing ...

  • An introduction to reactive power compensation for wind farms

    The paper summarises the refereed contributions of seven articles reviewed for publication in the IJETP – Special Issue on "Reactive compensation for wind farms". The main goal of the special issue is to provide a forum to exchange information on the reactive power compensation requirements for wind farms and introducing possible price mechanisms for today's deregulated power industry. ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Fossil and Nuclear NDT Solutions for the Power Industry

    Power generation means unleashing vast energy, transforming it, and harnessing it. Fossil fuel power plants tap into organic materials formed over the course of millions of years. Nuclear energy is an emissions-free source that comes from splitting atoms in a reactor to power industry and homes. When working with such colossal forces, it’s vital that the equipment and machinery used are ...

    By Zetec, Inc

  • Comparative study of steam injection effects on operation of gas turbine cycles

    In the present work, gas turbine cycles are modified with steam injection between the combustion chamber exit and the gas turbine inlet. Heat recovery steam generators, utilising the exhaust gases, provide these cycles with the injected steam at saturated vapour. The irreversibility of the different composing units of the cycles and the variation of gas properties owing to steam injection as well ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Power curve measured and verified – Case Study

    In 2010 RSE SpA (Energy System Research Inc.) within a Program Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development started a measurement campaign on a Libellula wind plant installed in Tuscany. The campaign lasted 1 ½ years and during this time RSE measured the turbine’s power curve following the requirements of the relevant IEC Standard ( EN 61400-12-1 – EN 61400-2). ...

    By Aria srl

  • Combined heat and power plant chemical industry Total Petrochemicals Feluy - Case Study

    OWNER Total Petrochemicals Feluy LOCATION Belgium PRODUCT Titan 130 (15 MWe) Gas Turbine CUSTOMER VALUE Security of Steam Supply Total Petrochemicals Feluy's commitment to energy efficiency was at the center of their requirement for a cogeneration solution that would support their continuously operating polymer factory in Feluy, Belgium - the largest polymer factory in Europe. The project was ...

    By Solar Turbines Incorporated

  • Higley generating station - Case study

    The Higley generating station was built in 1913 and is located on the Raquette River in the State of New York. The original plant contained threeFrancis turbines producing just over 4 MW of power. In 2002, a new plant was constructed next to the existing plant, for which CHC provided four 1500 mm axial flow turbines – two propeller and two Kaplan. The existing units remained in service ...

  • Modelling of the hydro-generator local network operation and load disturbance rejection

    The paper describes models of the local network operation of the hydraulic turbine-generator unit. Two different models are proposed. They describe the dynamic behaviour of a system in which the unit is connected to an equivalent system. A nonlinear model of the interconnection to an equivalent power system is considered. An optimal controller for load disturbance rejection in water turbine speed ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Kliux Solution for Off Grid Locations - Case Study

    A detached house, isolated from the power grid, with a consumption of 5,000 kWh/year by means of generators. The aim is to save on bills utility while living eco-friendly. WHICH SOLUTION OFFERS THEM KLIUX SYSTEM? 1 Kliux Zebra wind turbine 4 kWp installed power in photovoltaic modules All wind and solar regulators required Communication module 48 V / 800 Ah battery set Stand-alone ...

  • Method of producing power-generation and engine fuels from oil shale fines with solid heat carrier units (SHCU)

    The technical feasibility and economic expediency of the shale-converting power technology complex at the Leningradskoye deposit in northwest Russia is substantiated herein. Two basic options of production utilisation are considered: manufacture of power fluid fuels, mainly for gas turbines and combined-cycle units; and production of boiler and ship fuel oils and domestic gas fuels.Keywords: ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Electric Auxiliary Boilers Reduce Cold Startup Time of Combined Cycle Gas Turbines

    Today, combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants play a critical role in providing power grids with additional electricity during peak periods of high demand. By harnessing the energy from both combustion and steam turbines. CCGT plants use less fuel overall and can run longer than traditional "peaker' plants to produce cheaper electricity on demand. Depending on the condition of the region's ...

    By Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.

  • Combined fuel cell?gas turbine plant for highly efficient power generation from renewable energy sources

    The impact of renewable energy sources on today's energy supply substantiates the importance of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen can be directly produced from solar energy and is considered a promising technology for temporary storage of electrical energy from wind turbines and photovoltaic systems. The generation of electrical energy from stored hydrogen requires highly efficient systems ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Research and development in ocean energy technologies

    The volatile fuel prices for electricity generation, elevated concerns about global warming and energy security has prompted countries to look for alternative energy sources. One of the alternative energy sources is ocean energy. Currently, there is few ocean energy technologies that are commercially available to harness electrical energy from ocean despite the fact that ocean covers more than ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Development of a tribological failure knowledge model

    Many of the component failures occurring in service can be delayed by better incorporation of tribological principles into engineering design and maintenance. However, the concept of tribology has not yet penetrated successfully into the industry in general and there is an urgent need for the practical tribology design criteria and transference of tribological knowledge to the engineering ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Operation and control of multiple Distributed Generation systems in the microgrid

    This paper investigates the operation and control of multiple Distributed Generation (DG) systems interconnected to the utility in the form of microgrid. The developed model of the microgrid consists of microturbine generation system, converter-based DG system with stiff DC source, synchronous-generator-based DG system and wind power system with induction generator. The Simulation model of the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

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