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Small Hydro Articles & Analysis

33 articles found
  • Implementation of a small hydro power project in India: issues and lessons

    In this paper, we present a longitudinal case study of a power sector start-up in India. Using the case as a starting point, we carefully analyse and explore the opportunities and challenges of implementing a small hydro power project in India. Using this case study, we identify the key success factors for a company to succeed in this sector. Based on first-hand observation of the progress of ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Hydro energy: techno-economic and social aspects within new climate regime

    Small hydro systems can provide electricity for: central-grid, isolated-grids, and/or remote power supplies. Small hydraulic power also provides an extra contribution to national electrical production in the case of consumption peaks. Although hydro is currently the second most used renewable energy source in the world, still there is a significant unexploited potential. The clean development ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Enhancing small hydro automation using distributed micro-controllers and simulation

    The past ten years has seen significant advances in low-cost micro-controllers, data communications and personal computing. Applying these technologies to small hydro automation, affordable multifunctional distributed processing solutions is now a commercial reality. The ability to reduce costs is facilitated by innovative low-cost simulation tools. The successful application of these ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Procedure for the establishment of a small-hydro project

    The objective here is to synthesize into three steps the various procedures that the designer (public or private) has to go through in order to succeed in a small-hydro project. We first of all strongly recommend measuring discharges as regularly as possible, at least once a week or, ideally, continuously, and to have a surveyor measure up- and downstream altitudes. A simple method of measuring ...

  • Lower village hydro - Case study

    The Lower Village Hydro Dam was built in 1995 and is located on the Sugar River in Claremont, New Hampshire. The plant was last operational in 2011and was acquired by Sugar River Power LLC in January 2017, which owns and operates four other small hydro plants in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. As part of a major plant restoration and repowering project undertaken by the new owners, CHC is ...

  • Comparison of single phase self excited induction generator excitation configurations using the main and auxiliary windings for a micro hydro system

    Induction generators are one of the most popular generators for micro hydro systems. Three phase generators are often used even though only a single phase supply is needed. This paper investigates the characteristics of single phase induction generators. Many different winding and excitation capacitor configurations are investigated. To use these generators effectively, the desired output should ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Towards realising social sustainability in the small hydropower sector in India: opportunities for social innovations

    This paper investigates the SHP sector in India and aims at finding out its contribution towards realising social sustainability and if there are any opportunities for generating social innovations. Various stakeholders connected to the SHP industry were interviewed in four states of India to explore the existing situation of this industry. The data was acquired through 28 individual in–depth ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Complete Overhaul of unique hydro power plant Želina - Case Study

    The small hydro power plant Želina built on Ohre river has been commissioned since1908 year and these days is being listed as technical heritage of the Czech Republic. Generating technology is still oparated by CEZ. Scope of Želina power plant works is complete overhaul and modernization of two Francis turbine units, installation of new intake trash racks, up-grading of trash raking machines and ...

    By Strojírny Brno, a.s.

  • Control of dynamic effects in small hydro with long hydraulic circuits

    Lab tests in a long hydraulic circuit were developed to analyse hydrotransients induced by waterhammer effects under runaway conditions. The definition of suitable design criteria in hydraulic systems is of utmost importance and has become a priority for good design implementation. The dynamic behaviour of turbo-generators of small reaction turbines and the interaction with long hydraulic ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Small hydropower projects and sustainable energy development in Sri Lanka

    Sustainable development has evolved to encompass three major viewpoints: economic, social and environmental. Given the wide-ranging potential impacts of energy on national sustainable development, we review the linkages between these two topics. In the Sri Lanka case study presented here, the Sustainomics framework is used to assess the role of small hydroelectric power projects in sustainable ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Techno-economics of micro-hydro power plants for remote villages in Uttaranchal in India

    Results of a techno-economic feasibility evaluation of some micro-hydro power (MHP) plants being planned and implemented for remote village power supply in the state of Uttaranchal in India are presented. The capital cost of MHP plants in the capacity range of 20–100 kW (including cost of local transmission and distribution system), investment requirement per unit of rated capacity, and relative ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Voltage controlled stand-alone microhydro induction generator system

    The paper discusses simulated control cases of the wound rotor self-excited induction generator WRSEIG. The generator external controller is designed to regulate the output voltage and frequency for constant or variable speed operation of the prime mover and has the inherent capability of protecting the load from short circuit, which permits voltage collapse under heavy loads. WRSEIG is ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • The ABCs of small hydro upgrade and automation

    Abstract - Small hydroelectric is increasingly depended on to provide regional power capacity, as municipalities seek more sustainable sources of energy. Yet, hydroelectric or hydro power has some negative perceptions. Other sustainable sources of energy like wind and solar power are early in their equipment and technology life cycles. Hydroelectric facilities are typically older and operate with ...

    By Eaton Corporation

  • Connecting to the Grid: A Letter from Paul

    Dear potential grid connected customer, Many people contact us concerning the possibility of using a power source that is either connected to the commercial power grid or feeding power to a house that is. While this may be possible, it is not likely to make economic sense. Over 99% of our customers are off-grid and there are reasons for this. The question is then more like: ’Can I ...

  • Anti-islanding protection and islanding operation of grid-connected hydropower distributed generation

    Salient issues associated with the connection of hydropower distributed generation (HPDG) into distribution networks include operation and voltage regulation, grid connection and control interaction, anti-islanding protection and islanding operation, and operation of protective devices. Better understanding of these issues and finding solutions to these problems are timely and important to the ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Cumulative Watershed Impacts of Small-Scale Hydroelectric Projects in Irrigation Delivery Systems: A Case Study

    The information and analysis in this case study provides basic background on small-scale hydropower projects located within irrigation water delivery systems; describes why the opportunity to develop these projects exists; identifies barriers to implementation; and discusses the environmental issues and concerns associated with these projects. Through examination of two existing small-scale ...

  • Renewable Energy Market in Indonesia

    The development of renewable energy in Indonesia has stalled in recent years, especially wind and solar PV power. By the end of 2018, cumulative installed solar and wind capacity in Indonesia just reached 136MW, which is at a relatively low level compared with other Southeast Asian countries. It is a recognized fact that 2019 was the year of Vietnam’s renewable energy explosion, with a new ...

    By Leader Associates Limited

  • A novel technique proposed for automatic control of small hydro power plants

    A new scheme is proposed for the speed control of hydro turbines. Power can be controlled by controlling the rotary motion of the spear valve or linear motion of the sluice gate. In this paper, necessity for speed control, various function of governors, types, speed regulation of micro-hydroelectric power plants, functional block diagram of power generation and control system general models for ...

    By Inderscience Publishers

  • Multi-criterion optimization of energy management in drinking systems

    In this study, two different energy sources that are connected to a pumped storage water supply system are analyzed: a water and a wind turbine. A water turbine can be integrated in a water supply system in high-pressure locations. Recently, new sources of energy production are being researched and applied due to the increase in the price of conventional energy sources and concerns regarding the ...

    By IWA Publishing

  • Intro to Hydropower - Measuring Head and Flow

    Small-scale hydro is the only renewable energy source that works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the first article in this series (HP103), I explained the basics of hydroelectric system theory, and reviewed system components. This article focuses on measuring a stream’s head and flow. Before you can begin designing your hydro system or estimating how much electricity it will ...

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