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Solar LED Lighting Articles & Analysis

36 articles found
  • Phillips landing - Solar parking lot lighting - Case study

    Phillips Landing, a dedicated wildlife park that gives boaters access to Nanticoke River in Laurel, Delaware, was upgrading their amenities to allow more floating docks and kayak launches. Part of the expansion included a paved parking area and small stone path. However, there wasn’t sufficient lighting for the expansions, and the area was far too remote to pull any sort of power to the ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Carmanah Solar LED Lighting Saves Facility $1.5 Million

    Client: California Energy Facility Location: California, USA Equipment: EverGEN 1520 Solar LED Lighting with BetaLED LEDway fixtures California is one of the greenest states in the US and its focus on environmental protection is marked by aggressive mandates on the implementation of renewable energies and the reduction of harmful emissions. A large California energy facility, takes those ...

  • Application of Solar Street Lights: A Wealth of Versatility in Modern Technology

    We're sure you're familiar with solar energy. It's been used over the past several decades to power plenty of apparatus--calculators, watches, battery chargers, plenty of stuff. But what you may not realize is solar energy is being used in some of the most mundane (but necessary) technologies that we don't even realize are around until they're gone. Solar energy is fantastic in the application of ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Greenshine New Energy Celebrated Partnership at MSA 50th Annual Conference

    Solar lighting equipment vendor Greenshine New Energy attended the MSA 50th Anniversary Conference and Equipment Show this month, celebrating partnerships with fellow MSA members. Greenshine New Energy, the leading solar LED lighting equipment supplier headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, celebrated it’s partnerships at the MSA 50th Annual Training Conference and Equipment Show. The event ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Palomar hospital - Solar parking lot lighting - Case study

    About The Project Lighting Type: IDA LED Solar Parking Lot Lights: 50 Units Brighta40 City: Escondido, CA The Scope Palomar Hospital in Escondido CA outgrew it’s small employee parking lot and was planning to design and build a new multi-level parking garage, a project scheduled to take 2-4yrs. They needed a temporary parking lot solution, so they leased 4 acres of open land ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Perimeter Fence Lighting Power Generating Station Gains Security with Solar

    Project Summary End User: Power Generating Station in Southwest US Lighting Agent: R.C. Lurie Company (Lighting Design) Project Scope: Independently powered (solar) lighting systems for perimeter fencing surrounding a power generating station located in the Southwest US Product: Carmanah EverGEN 1530 solar LED lights Other Benefits: Approximately $2 million (USD) saved in installation ...

  • Why Solar Parking Lot Lights are a Good Investment

    Environmentally sound, easy on the wallet, and resistant to extreme weather conditions are just a few ways to describe solar parking lot lights. When they’re paired with ultra-bright, super-efficient LED lights, these kinds of lights can help you achieve energy-saving and money-saving standards unheard of through traditional methods of lighting. Here’s a few reasons why. Reasons ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • The Beauty of Solar Powered LED Lights

    Go outside and look at your compound from your doorstep and even from the main entrance. Does it appeal to you? Imagine those magazine photos you have been seeing of gardens that look insanely unreal to be on earth, let alone someone’s front yard. They are lined with beautiful lights and features that take your breath away! Now stop imagining and take on the task of beautifying your own ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • How Solar Powered Street Lighting Saves Your City Money

    We’re sure founding and developing a city is never an easy thing. Our hats go off to mayors, city planners, budget wizards, and other key figures in planning to find the best ways to support a city’s operations. We’ll leave the expert work up to you. However, we’re doing meticulous research behind our doors in how to find the best ways to cut corners in energy spending for ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Solar LED Street Lights are the Best

    Streets have to be lit to improve security and visibility when it is dark. This can be achieved with any kind of light but what else would there be to benefit from? Lighting is not just about the brightness you see on a street. It is about energy efficiency and cost. A proper light should fit all this criteria and LED lighting seems to have a lead already. Quality lighting The first thing you ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Why solar power and what are its environmental benefits ?

    Solar energy is abundant, accessible and affordable Enough sunlight reaches the earth in one hour to power the world for an entire year. Unlike the substantial resources and capital needed to extract and burn fossil fuels, anyone can purchase and install solar panels to take advantage of this abundance of sunlight. Best of all, solar generates significant long-term savings on electricity bills. ...

    By Greco Green Energy Co., Ltd

  • 3 Reasons Why Should You Use Solar LED Parking Lights for Your Lot

    If you’re opening a business with a new foundation for a parking lot, some of the most pedestrian aspects of the business are simultaneously the most important. We’ve recognized the need for several businesses in the past when it comes to proper lighting, so we know the biggest pain points. That’s what we tend to solve, however, with our solar light solutions. What follows are ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • How Temporary Parking Lot Lights Can Solve Debilitating Problems

    Recently, the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) had a power outage that affected several terminals, halted their operations, caused major security problems throughout nearly the entire airport, and forced 21 airlines to cancel their flights in the span of a few hours. As an airport that sees traffic of 70 million commuters per year, approximately 191 thousand daily on average, safety is an ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • LED 101

    We often hear or use the term LED. But do we really know what those are? And to what extent they are used today? This text offers a bit of context on these marvelous light fixtures, useful for anything from signaling that your phone is done charging, to solar led parking lot lights, aircraft lights and more. LED LED is an acronym which stands for Light Emitting Diode. It works on the principle ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • What are the best outdoor solar lights? (and why greenshine)

    So you’re in the market for solar lighting! We’re like you in that we want the best bang for the buck. It’s natural to plunder the internet for research, trying to find quality in a gigantic sea of what could be faulty hardware, low-lumen bulbs, or inefficient panels marketed as “the best.” We’ve prepared a look at the Greenshine technology on the market for ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Cost Comparison Between Solar vs. Traditional Lights

    If you do a quick search online, you'll find that the popularity for solar lights has surged in the past 5 years due to emerging green technologies and rising energy costs. Among this shift in moving towards more renewable energy sources for lighting, an important question is being raised: how much do solar street lights cost compared to traditional street lighting? To solve this mystery, our ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • What`s the Best Purchase on Lighting?

    You're probably here to find the best purchase on lighting. After all, that's the title of this blog post. It just so happens we have insider information about how to save big bucks when it comes to lighting public areas and lots. We'll admit that public lighting doesn't get people of all ages and backgrounds lining up around the corner as movies do, lighting is never cheap. But we've got a way ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Why reducing energy cost is another way to improve your income

    Even in the poorest country, each family member need to spend hundreds of US dollars on energy requirements, the bill of electricity is the largest one. The spending on electricity is the one that most people and family generally ignored, which they generally treat it the same as internet service and phone bills that they use it every day. Daily electricity consumption such as lighting,cooking ...

    By Leeka Corp.

  • Solar Lights for Parking Lots: The Design Basics You Need to Know

    There are a few basic design principles of solar parking lot lights. To gain deeper insight into a cost-effective solar PV system design, here's what you need to know. What is Solar PV System? Solar PV system uses photovoltaics (PV) to transform sunlight into electricity. Solar-powered photovoltaic panels, also called modules, contain photovoltaic cells. These cells convert incoming sunlight ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

  • Don’t Let Shading Turn Your Solar Lights Off

    Lighting assumes a critical part in making a superb home inside outline. What's more we must comprehend that our lifestyle and the items that we pick for our home have a colossal effect to the earth. Consequently, it is fundamental that we choose a lighting item that produces great glow, however we should likewise choose focused around the execution, vitality productivity and natural cordiality ...

    By Greenshine New Energy LLC

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