Solar Radiation Articles & Analysis
Relating geo–meteorological parameters to global solar radiation for Egypt by Iranna–Bapat's estimation models
Estimation of solar radiation is considered as the most important parameter for the design and development of various solar energy systems. But, the availability of the required data is very scarce and often not readily accessible. The foremost objective of the present study was to estimate the monthly average global solar radiation (GSR) at various locations for Egypt, by the generalised ...
A new type of solar concentrator employing a cone-cylinder combination
Most conventional solar thermal radiation concentrators have some sort of symmetry which allows them to concentrate solar thermal energy for their operation. We report a new system that utilises the symmetry of a cone and a cylinder combination to simulate the concentration of solar radiation on a ring containing a fluid (water). A halogen lamp is used as the source of radiation to simulate solar ...
Meteorological pre-processing of incoming solar radiation and heat flux over a sparse boreal forest at a northern site during winter conditions
Measurements from Northern Finland on radiation and turbulent fluxes over a sparse boreal forest with snow-covered ground were analysed. The measurements represent harsh winter conditions characterised by low sun angles. The absorption of incoming solar radiation in clear skies (turbidity) was found to be a strong function of the solar elevation. At low solar elevation angles, commonly used ...
Measures to weaken the influence of solar radiation on peak cooling load in office buildings
Using the building energy simulation program EnergyPlus, the authors studied and analysed measures to weaken the influence of solar radiation on peak cooling load in office buildings. The peak cooling reduction effect on exterior wall outside surface solar radiant absorptance and different kinds of exterior window constructions were analysed by simulation. The results show that using a low solar ...
Estimation of monthly average solar radiation in Libya
In order to estimate the monthly average global radiation, regression equations for eleven stations in Libya are fitted, using monthly average hours of sunshine duration as predictors. Since only eight years of monthly average global radiation are available for each station, a reliable model for estimating solar radiation for each single month could not be obtained. The monthly data were merged ...
Characteristics of solar radiation sensor
Introduction:A solar radiation sensor, also known as a pyranometer, is a device that measures the amount of solar radiation received on a surface in a given time period. Solar radiation is the energy that is transmitted by the sun to the earth, and it is measured in watts per square meter (W/m²). The solar radiation sensor provides valuable information for various applications, including ...
Developing MATLAB software for PV and battery sizing for lighting projects in Gaza Strip, Palestine
Recently, with the critical situation of the siege on the Gaza Strip, the need for an alternative energy source instead of traditional energy sources increases day by day, especially as Palestine is considered one of the sunny countries and receives good solar radiation over the year. In this paper, the MATLAB software is developed for sizing process of PV modules and batteries. The developed ...
Energy and exergy analysis of a double–pass thermoelectric solar air collector
Analysis of energy and exergy has been performed for a double–pass thermoelectric (TE) solar air collector. The incident solar radiation heats up the absorber plate so that a temperature difference is created between the thermoelectric modules that generate a direct current. Only a small part of the absorbed solar radiation is converted to electricity, while the rest increases the ...
Application of an artificial neural network for predicting the sizing curve of stand-alone photovoltaic system: a case study
In this paper, an artificial neural network-based (ANN) prediction of the sizing curve of stand-alone PV systems (SAPV) was developed. Numerical method has been used for constructing the sizing curves for different loss of load probability (LLP) corresponding to 40-sites located in Algeria. The feed-forward neural network (FFNN) is trained considering the geographical coordinate and LLP as ...
Solar exergy maps for photovoltaic/thermal systems
In this paper, the thermal and electrical exergies and the exergy destructions are calculated for a photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) system based on solar exergy rates for some Indian climates namely Bangalore, Jodhpur, Mumbai, New Delhi and Srinagar for a year and for different US climates namely Chicago, Las Vegas, Miami, New York, Portland, San Antonio, San Francisco, Tucson and Tulsa for January, ...
Solar energy utilisation efficiency in environment-controlled agriculture in China
In the light of an analysis of the solar radiation and temperature resources in different part of China, this paper classifies Environment-Controlled Agriculture (ECA) in China into zones and briefly introduces the feature of each zone. Meanwhile, features of different ECA types such as heliogreenhouse, plastic arched shed, adumbral net and their contributions to increasing solar energy ...
Spectral Selectivity vs. Spectral Error: Shedding Light on ISO 9060:2018
In late 2018, the ISO 9060 standard for solar radiometers underwent a remarkable update that brought significant changes on the classification of solar radiation measurement quality. At first glance, ISO 9060:2018 appears to be mainly a renaming of radiometer classification launched in the original version from 1990. But, as often, the devil is in the details and still causing a lot of confusion ...
Thermal management of non–concentrating photovoltaic panels under extreme ambient conditions
Solar photovoltaic modules have reduced efficiency levels when the ambient temperature is very high. In this paper, the temperature and the efficiency of a non–concentrating flat plate collector is determined by a one dimensional steady state analysis at different solar radiation levels for the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where the radiation intensity and ambient temperatures are very high. The ...
A global renewable energy scenario
The scenario method is used to investigate whether or not an energy supply system entirely based upon renewable energy sources (solar radiation, wind, biomass, environmental heat and hydro) can supply the energy globally required by the mid-21st century. A geographical information system (GIS) is employed to assess the spatial match between supply and demand, and the robustness of the scenario ...
Questions & Answers: Discovering the New SMP12 Class A Pyranometer
Solar demand is surging. Modern PV plants need fast responding precise solutions that are easy to install and integrate, ones that will last. Our new pyranometer, the Kipp & Zonen SMP12 can help you achieve this. On this page, we present our webinar with Clive Lee - Technical Sales and Service Consultant, Dr. Joop Mes - Senior Scientist, and Brandon Sims - Global Product Manager, who present ...
Gujarat looking to promote the CSP advantage
As India’s National Solar Mission takes a back seat for concentrated solar power projects, regional opportunities have sprung to the fore – and Gujarat intends to capitalize. When it was announced in December that the CSP allocation of the National Solar Mission would be delayed, developers began looking further afield in the quest for new projects. Gujarat has been pushing hard to ...
Artificial neural network based models for forecasting electricity generation of grid connected solar PV power plant
This paper presents an artificial neural network (ANN) approach for forecasting the performance of electric energy generated output from a working 25-kWp grid connected solar PV system and a 100-kWp grid connected PV system installed at Minicoy Island of Union Territory of Lakshadweep Islands. The ANN interpolates among the solar PV generation output and relevant parameters such as solar ...
Solar radiation (PAR, UV-A, UV-B) penetration in a shallow maturation pond operating in a tropical climate
Solar radiation is considered the primary route for disinfection of pathogenic bacteria in maturation ponds. There is scarce information on depth profiling and attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), UV-A and UV-B in shallow maturation ponds operating in tropical climates. Measurements of solar irradiance of the three wavelength ranges, together with turbidity, have been ...
Introduction of Solar Drying Technology to Trinidad and Tobago
Abstract A review of the existing solids management practices in Trinidad and Tobago and experience elsewhere defined the future needs and identified solar drying as a preferred technology for the subject project. Upon analysis of the local conditions, it was calculated that approximately 19 MJ/m2 (1886 kWh/m²) of solar radiation, at 30ºC annual average temperature and 80% relative ...
Vancouver public library green roof monitoring project - Case Study
Introduction: Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) initiated this study to add to the pool of information on Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Low Impact Development (LID) methods. In June 2003, PWGSC partnered with Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd. to conduct a year long monitoring project on the Vancouver Public Library green roof. The purpose of this project is to assess the ...
By Innovyze
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