Riello UPS Spa

Riello UPS Spa

Lifespan of UPS batteries


Courtesy of Riello UPS Spa

Factors that affect their duration and advice on how to best manage them

The battery system inside an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can consist of a single battery or comprise thousands of cells.

The ideal would be to be able to accurately measure the conditions of this system to predict failures. In reality, unfortunately, this is not possible due to the many variables that influence the deterioration rate of the batteries.

It is therefore essential to keep in mind the safety margins within which to operate and invest in effective and efficient battery monitoring and maintenance regimes.

With this whitepaper we want to deal with the main factors that affect the life of the battery system and the UPS that contains them, also providing you with some recommendations to support you in managing the UPS in order to maximize its duration and general availability.

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