EnviTec Biogas AG

EnviTec Biogas AG

Liquind 24/7 and Envitec Biogas Sign Supply Agreement for Bio-LNG


Source: EnviTec Biogas AG

Starting in autumn 2022 LIQUIND 24/7 will obtain bio-LNG from a new EnviTec Biogas AG liquefaction plant in Gustrow and distribute the renewable fuel to customers through its fuelling stations in Germany.

Lohne/Berlin -- Liquind 24/7 and EnviTec Biogas have signed a contract for the sale of bio-LNG. The bio-LNG will be produced in a new liquefaction plant, which will be constructed by EnviTec in Güstrow in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany. LIQUIND is in charge of organizing the transport and the distribution of bio-LNG to heavy-duty customers at its truck fuelling stations.

EnviTec is already operating a biogas production and upgrading plant at its Güstrow site which will use upgraded biomethane for the liquefaction starting in autumn 2022. Olaf von Lehmden, CEO at EnviTec Biogas, is delighted about the cooperation agreement: „Not only are we developing a new field of business, but we are doing pioneering work for the transition to more sustainable transport in Germany. The utilization of bio-LNG has significant potential to reduce GHG emissions in the transport sector compared with oil-based fuels. In addition, a well-functioning infrastructure is in place for the distribution of bio-LNG, whereas the comprehensive use of electromobility and hydrogen alternatives requires extensive development. Until these alternatives are ready for use, precious time is being wasted. The established CNG and LNG fuel station infrastructure can and must provide a remedy. Together with LIQUIND as a partner for the marketing of the fuel at truck stations, we are able to significantly contribute to the decarbonization of heavy-duty traffic.“ 

For LIQUIND, the project is a decisive milestone and part of the company’s future strategy. By 2025 all LNG that are sold at the company’s fuelling stations should be derived from renewable sources. LIQUIND has announced that it is aiming to reduce CO2 emissions compared to conventional diesel fuel by up to 100 per cent. Christian Schneider, Managing Director at LIQUIND, comments: „We are happy about the start of this cooperation with regards to this important matter and underline our commitment to develop a sustainable fuels infrastructure in Germany. The bio-LNG from this and additional projects enables our customers to operate their vehicles even more sustainably while benefiting from constant high quality and security of supply.“

About EnviTec Biogas AG
Based in Lohne and Saerbeck, Germany, EnviTec Biogas AG covers the entire value chain for the production of biogas, including the planning and turnkey construction of biogas plants and biogas upgrading plants as well as their commissioning. The company takes charge of biological and technical services on demand, and also offers operational management services. EnviTec operates 75 of its own plants, making it one of the largest biogas producers in Germany. EnviTec’s business activities also include the direct marketing of upgraded biomethane as well as the marketing of electricity and balancing energy. The company is represented in 16 countries worldwide by its own companies, sales offices, strategic partners and joint ventures. In 2020, the EnviTec Group generated revenue of EUR 192.3 million and EBT of EUR 17.2 million. The Group currently employs a total of 477 people. EnviTec Biogas AG has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since July 2007.

About LIQUIND 24/7 GmbH
LIQUIND 24/7 GmbH, with its seat in Berlin, develops and operates infrastructure for the distribution of alternative fuels in Europe. With a network of thirteen LNG truck fuelling stations in operation and an additional twenty supply points under preparation, LIQUIND 24/7 is a leading supplier of LNG as truck fuel on the German market. In addition, two bunker stations are under construction along the Rhine for the supply of LNG to inland river barges, which will be put into operation in the coming months. Furthermore, the fully owned subsidiary LIQUIND Marine secures the LNG supply for marine customers along the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coast.

Liquind 24/7 and Envitec Biogas Sign Supply Agreement for Bio-LNG

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