Zhengzhou Azeus Machinery Co,.Ltd

Market Demand for Rice Husk Pellets is Increasing


Courtesy of Zhengzhou Azeus Machinery Co,.Ltd

Rice husk pellet is a kind of biomass material pellet. It is made of rice husk or rice hull, which is the outer layer of the paddy grain. Rice husk is with deficiencies of soft, light and low in caloricity. After pressed by the biofuel pellet mill, rice husk has become the high caloricity biofuel pellets -- rice husk pellets.

Vietnam and Malaysia are famous for the planting of rice. Rice husk is the main by-products for rice processing industries. With the increasing demand for alternative fuel resources, rice husk pellets is on hot sale in southeast Asia now.

General Specifications of Rice Husk Pellets
Total moisture=10% max
Ash content=13.0% max
Sulfur content=0.05% max
Diameter of product=8 - 10mm
Length of product=10 - 50mm
Gross calorific value=4108kcal/kg

Broad Application for Rice Husk Pellets
*coal-fuel power plant
*biomass power plant
*industrial boiler
*animal bedding
*home heating

Know More about Rice Husk Pellets
Separated from the brown rice in rice milling, rice husk is considered as waste from rice miller. It weighs around 20% of the total paddy weight. Traditional use for rice husk is for heating the drying air in rice dryers. Processed by biomass fuel pellet line, the calorific value of rice husk pellets has been increased much. Today rice husk pellet is regarded as a kind of biomass fuel resources and is increasing used to fuel some co-fuel power plants. There are now many power plants in Asia powered 100% by ground rice husk. Besides, rice husk pellet has gained its uses for fueling boiler, stoves and for animal bedding.

Rice Husk Pellets Brief Market Demand Analysis
As a source of alternative energy over the usual non - renewable fossil fuels, rice husk pellets have been gaining a lot of interest all over the world. In Malaysia, one of the famous rice planting countries, rice husk pellet could substitute petroleum and coal for heat generation purpose. As for Vietnam, the second largest country for rice exporting in the world, rice husk has been a popular material for biofuel pellets processing. As a matter of fact, heating systems designed specifically for the use of rice husk pellets are now widely available in the markets of some countries across the globe.

Rice Husk Pellet Mill
Rice husk pellets processing including several steps, such as material drying, crushing and so on. However the most important thing is to choose a suitable pellet machine. As crushed rice husk material is light and soft, commonly a ring die pellet machine with a imperative feeder is recommended. The imperative feeding device can make the feeding procedure smooth and uniform. Thus the pellets processing efficiency is improved at the same time. Moreover, ring die pellet mill is more suitable for large-scale production in industrial pellet production line. After cooling, rice husk pellets can be packed into kinds of packing materials with a pellet packing machine.

Why Rice Husk Pellets is on Hot Sale?
A.Environmental friendly
Lesser amount of ashes and emissions. The carbon dioxide that is released during the combustion of rice husk pellets is being used by the growing plants. Thus ,it does not add up to the problem of the global warming.
Small-sized, high dense and compacted, hence easy to store and transport. Their small, regular and uniform shapes enable them to flow like a fluid resulting on easy feeding on automated heating systems.
Rice husk pellets are proven effective as a wood fuel. Their low moisture (humidity is typically 7-8%) doesn't require a lot of energy to burn it off making them highly efficient burnable material.
Rice husk pellets can be used in stoves(pellet stoves models and most traditional stoves),boiler, heating furnaces and similar heating systems. Lots of these appliances are now available in the market.

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