Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

Multi–objective DG planning for reliability, efficiency, and power quality including voltage rise issue


The reliability of service is very important for sensitive loads. This is only possible when additional generators such as distributed generators are available on strategic load centres to feed these sensitive loads in case of emergency. This paper presents a method to optimally allocate the distributed generations in terms of site and size to satisfy each objectives of multi–objective performance index to accepted limits. The multi–objective performance index includes reliability of service, efficiency in terms of real and reactive power losses, and power quality in terms of voltage regulation as individual objectives to be satisfied together. The voltage rise phenomenon caused by DG in a weak distribution network is also addressed in this paper. The method is tested on an existing Indian rural distribution system.

Keywords: genetic algorithms, GAs, distributed generation, optimal location, optimal size, multi–objective performance index, impact indices, distribution networks, reliability, efficiency, power quality, voltage rise, voltage regulation, India, rural distribution systems, rural areas

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