Open Energi deliver and optimise the first ever solar site co-located with battery storage - Case Study
In September 2018, Open Energi began helping Sapphire Battery Energy Ltd to maximise the energy trading revenues from their 0.5MW Tesla battery co-located with rooftop solar PV, one of Britain’s first and largest “behind the meter” commercial and industrial solutions. The complex solar site is optimised against a range of export and import opportunities, including Firm Frequency Response (FFR), DUoS, GDUoS, the Capacity Market (CM) Levy, Triad import and export.
The battery consistently generates exceptional revenues across grid services. Its complex operation is fully managed by Dynamic Demand 2.0, Open Energi’s market-leading technology platform enabling the asset to trade flexibility and make substantial savings on their peak energy costs.
As the UK’s first solar site to be optimised alongside export opportunities, Open Energi’s experience in managing complex battery systems is crucial to the success of the site. Dynamic Demand 2.0, Open Energi’s algorithmic platform identifies the best opportunities to maximise incomes and allows complete flexibility in trading across the widest variety of grid services. It automates dispatch instructions to the battery, whilst its patented state of charge management system minimises degradation, keeping cycling and throughput to a minimum.
Open Energi has successfully generated revenues from FFR, whilst maximising savings across DUoS, GDUoS, the Capacity Market (CM) Levy, Triad import and export in addition to energy import and export.
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