Optimal scheduling and operation of hybrid biomass/wind/PV energy system for rural areas
In this paper, a hybrid energy system consisting of biomass, wind, solar photovoltaic (SPV) and battery, is proposed. The sources are operated to deliver energy at optimum efficiency. An optimisation model is developed to supply the available energy to the loads according to the priority. It is also proposed to maintain a fair level of energy storage to meet the peak load demand together with biomass, wind and SPV, during low or no solar radiation periods or during low wind periods. A case study is done using load data collected from three villages (300 km south of Chennai, India). Simulations carried out for one-year period proved the effectiveness of the developed energy management system by satisfying the load demand, non-linear seasonal variations and equipment constraints. Also, with the proposed energy management, it is found that most of the load demand is satisfied, the dumped energy is low and the state of charge of the battery is reasonably in good level. Economic analysis is also carried out and the cost of energy is found to be Rs. 4.20 (US$ 0.1095) per kWh.
Keywords: hybrid energy systems, rural electrification, renewable energy sources, SPV system, biomass, wind energy, wind power, solar energy, solar power, batteries, India, photovoltaics, energy management
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