Waste Treatment Technologies (WTT)

Waste Treatment Technologies (WTT)

Phase 1 Castaldo S.p.A. - Giugliano, Italy - Case Study


Courtesy of Waste Treatment Technologies (WTT)

The Giugliano project was separated into two separate phases. During Phase 1 in 2016 we designed and built the Giugliano facility to process 36,000 t/a of source separated organics, including approximately 80% household organics and 20% leaf and yard waste. The facility uses 13 dryAD tunnels and/or 10 composting tunnels to convert organic waste into compost and biogas. The biogas that is generated at the facility is collected, stored, treated and then converted into electricity and heat using a combined heat and power unit (CHP). The electricity is primarily used to power on-site equipment, while the remainder is transferred to the public grid. The thermal energy generated is used in the dryAD and conditioning systems. The Giugliano facility was among the first built in Naples (Campania) region where up to 700,000 tons of organic waste is generated each year.

KEY EQUIPMENT for Phase 1:

13 dryAD tunnels and 10 composting tunnels, including biogas treatment and storage.

Phase 2

In 2016, we were awarded the contract for the design and build of a second composting facility for Giugliano. The Giugliano Composting Facility treats approximately 65,000 t/a of organic waste, which includes a combination of food and leaf/yard waste. The incoming waste is first shredded and then spread across one of eight composting tunnels with a capacity of approximately 700m3 each. After the biological composting process — which takes approximately 14 days — the compost is removed from the tunnels and separated in a screening line to sort the material into three fractions:

  1. Fine fraction (fresh compost ≤10mm), which undergoes maturation onto an aerated floor in one of the six maturation bays for a total of 28 days.
  2. Intermediate fraction (material between 10-80 mm), which undergoes refining mainly to remove plastic films so that it can be recirculated in the biological process.
  3. Oversize fraction (material >80mm) is removed from the process.


8 composting tunnels and 6 maturation bays including air treatment; 2 humidifiers and 2 biofilters.

Phase 1 Castaldo S.p.A. - Giugliano, Italy - Case Study

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