Aria srl

Aria srl

Power curve measured and verified – Case Study

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Courtesy of Aria srl

In 2010 RSE SpA (Energy System Research Inc.) within a Program Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development started a measurement campaign on a Libellula wind plant installed in Tuscany. The campaign lasted 1 ½ years and during this time RSE measured the turbine’s power curve following the requirements of the relevant IEC Standard ( EN 61400-12-1 – EN 61400-2). The results of this study have proven that the measured power curve corresponds to the theoretical curve given by Aria.

The present situation of wind plants equipped with small wind turbines (from 1 to 200 kW) operating in Italy is first reported, together with a synthetic overview of the generators available on the Italian market. The small wind turbine market in Italy seems to have good opportunities, presenting a wide range of products, diversified in size and technology, with a constant increase in the number and installed power of the small wind plants. However, the number and the total capacity of small plants are still very small, if compared to that of larger wind power plants. Estimates of the expected energy production for different hypotheses of wind resource are then provided for small wind turbine models belonging to medium to large sizes in their category. The return of the investment for the small wind plants is shortly investigated.

Finally, the first results of a measurement campaign performed by RSE on a wind plant, with rated power of 50 kW, connected to the grid are here reported. In particular, the preliminary power curve obtained for this wind turbine, measured as far as possible according to the requirements of the relevant IEC Standard, is compared with the theoretical one given by the manufacturer. The results indicate that the measured power curve is close to the expected one.

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