Waterpumps WP Oy

Waterpumps WP Oy

S.I.C.A.E of Precy - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study


Courtesy of Waterpumps WP Oy

The work decomposed into several phases: Optimisation of turbines installed in 1926 in right bank to reach 420 kW. Change of regulating system for the power and the water level. Installation of a supplementary turbine of 80 KW power in left bank

S.I.C.A.E of Precy  - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

Turbine delivery to fish lift
Built 2005 for S.I.C.A.E of Precy

S.I.C.A.E of Precy  - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

The project was set up within the framework of Contribution from the SICAE to the environment. By its concept this innovative fish lift is the first installation to clear off barriers  from the way of migrating fish along river Aube.

S.I.C.A.E of Precy  - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

The hydroelectric power plant of Précy-St Martin, situated on the river Aube in region of Champagne was built in 1926 by the creation of the Society of Agricultural Collective Interest of Electricity. Wishing to develop renewable sources of energy along with respect to nature SICAE took a step for optimisation its hydroelectric power station. The work was completed in  year 2005.

S.I.C.A.E of Precy  - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

Characteristics of the plant:

  • H = 4 m
  • Q = 2.6 m3/s
  • P = 80 kW

The fish lift and the new plant were designed by B.P. Etudes, France. The work was realized in collaboration with the  French fishing council (Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche).  The flow passing through the turbine was designed to create the reserve and attractive flow for the fish lift. Several attempts were taken with different turbine designs before the right design of equipment was found. The WPOY’s compact turbine design enabled the project to succeed.

S.I.C.A.E of Precy  - Precy Sait Martin, France - Case Study

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