Spray drying of microalgae biomass for biofuel production
Courtesy of BUCHI
BUCHI Mini Spray Dryer B-290: Yield and total yield determination in spray dried microalgaes
Recently, microalgal biomass has been recognized as a promising alternative source of raw material for biofuel production. Algal biomass has several advantages that may help to meet the need for the global demand of transport fuels, such as rapid growth rate, high lipid content, small land usage, and high carbon dioxide absorption. Microalgae biofuel production includes cultivation, harvesting, drying, extraction, and esterification.
In general, spray drying is used to separate and dry the solid components from the solid-liquid suspension. Spray drying is a quick, gentle and single step drying process with well-known up-scale capabilities.
In this work, a BUCHI Mini Spray Dryer B-290 is employed to investigate the effects of the drying temperature on the yield and sample throughput of different algal biomass concentrations processed to powder.
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