Inderscience Publishers

Inderscience Publishers

Steady-state analysis of doubly fed induction generators for wind turbines using MATLAB


A wind energy conversion system (WECS) differs from a conventional power system. The power output of a conventional power plant can be controlled whereas; the power output of a WECS depends on the wind. This nature of WECS makes it difficult for analysis, design and management. Various approaches have been developed to study the behaviour of WECS. In this paper, the steady-state characteristics of a WECS using doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) are analysed using MATLAB. The dynamic steady-state simulation model of the DFIG is developed using MATLAB. Simulation analysis is performed to investigate a variety of DFIG characteristics, including torque-speed, real and reactive-power over speed characteristics. Based on the analysis, the DFIG operating characteristics are studied.

Keywords: wind energy conversion systems, WECS, doubly fed induction generators, DFIG, steady-state simulation, MATLAB, wind power, wind turbines

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