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Techno-economics of micro-hydro power plants for remote villages in Uttaranchal in India
Results of a techno-economic feasibility evaluation of some micro-hydro power (MHP) plants being planned and implemented for remote village power supply in the state of Uttaranchal in India are presented. The capital cost of MHP plants in the capacity range of 20–100 kW (including cost of local transmission and distribution system), investment requirement per unit of rated capacity, and relative cost of different components of MHP plants have been analysed. Unit cost of delivered electricity from the MHP plants has been estimated. Discounted payback period, benefit–cost ratio, net present value and internal rate of return for an MHP plant have also been determined. Breakeven values for useful life, plant load factor, and unit cost of electricity to the user for the same MHP plant have also been estimated.
Keywords: micro hydro power plants, unit cost, electricity costs, financial performance measures, breakeven analysis, technoeconomics, remote areas, remote villages, India, feasibility evaluation, small hydro
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