The gas upgrading plant in Sachsendorf (Germany) - Case Study
Location: Sachsendorf (Germany)
Capacity: 350 Nm³/h biomethane
Self-consumption: 0,24 kWel/Nm³ crude biogas, incl. auxiliary drives
Features: Fully integrated biogas upgrading plant using membrane technology in a three-stage process.
Overview of the gas upgrading plant in Sachsendorf
The EnviThan demonstration plant in the Salzland district of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany is the first biogas upgrading plant from EnviTec Biogas AG to use highly selective membranes to refine the generated crude biogas to a biogas purity level of over 97% CH4 in a three-stage process.
In the EnviThan demonstration plant, the components and materials are utilised to the limits of their capacity and the results analysed in order to ensure an optimal plant design and control response while realising maximum added value and efficiency.
The EnviThan gas upgrading system is extremely compact, amazingly simple and incredibly efficient.
- simple technology: modular and quick to adjust
- very cost-effective and profitable
- more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than other technologies
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