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Understanding and improving energy conversion systems with the aid of exergy–based methods
Exergy–based methods are powerful tools for developing, evaluating and improving an energy conversion system. Conventional exergy–based analyses have limitations, which are significantly reduced by the so–called advanced analyses. The latter evaluate: (a) the interactions among components of the overall system, and (b) the real potential for improving a system component. The main objective of advanced exergy–based analyses is to provide additional information that is useful improving the design and operation of energy conversion systems. This paper deals with integrated conventional and advanced exergetic, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental analyses. The advantages of these analyses are demonstrated using an academic example, an open–cycle gas turbine power system.
Keywords: exergy analysis, advanced exergetic analysis, exergoeconomics, advanced exergoeconomic analysis, exergoenvironmental analysis, advanced exergoenvironmental analysis, energy conversion systems, open cycle gas turbines, power systems
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