WIH Resource Group launches Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV) group on LinkedIn
WIH Resource Group announces the development of the Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV) Group on LinkedIn.
The Group was created in response to what WIH Resource Group sees as negative consequences of the United States ever-increasing dependence on foreign oil. In addition, WIH Resource Group believes strongly that the air quality benefits of the use of alternative fueled vehicles, in both personal (passenger cars) and commercial vehicles, will help improve not only the environment, but people’s health.
The AFV Group on LinkedIn is founded and co-sponsored by WIH Resource Group (http://www.wihrg.com) and Waste Savings, Inc. (http://www.wastesavings.net). Both companies are based in Phoenix Arizona an led by Bob Wallace, Principal & VP of Client Solutions.
The respective staffs of both Firms have in-depth knowledge and hands on experience in providing solutions to both private companies and public sector agencies in the areas of sustainability, waste management, recycling, alternative vehicle fuels, renewable energy, renewable fuels, strategic business planning, operational process improvement, vehicle routing, transportation and logistics management.
WIH Resource Group offers specific alternative fuels solution services to organizations (government agencies and private companies alike) interested in pursuing opportunities for converting to alternative fuels to achieve their individual goals. WIH conducts market research and analysis, alternative fuels feasibility studies, develops alternative fuel vehicle (AFV) business plans, and assists clients in creating markets for their AFV products and services.
The AFV Group on LinkedIn welcome new members and encourages active participation in the Alternative Fuel Vehicles Group (AFV). For more information and to join the Group, visit the Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Group on LinkedIn at: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=2195876&trk=anet_ug_grppro
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