Biochar Videos
Producing Biochar with WasteX's Carbonizer (V2.2) and App Integration - Video
Let's take a look at how to produce biochar using WasteX's latest carbonizer (V2.2), and how to record the whole production and application process into the ...
Supreme Biochar, LLC Active Biochar - Video
Active biochar created by Supreme Biochar has the ability to obtain the maximum growth potential of plants due to it ability to make nutrients and water available to the plant. It has pest and disease resistance capabilities and can demonstrate better soil health. It also has pollutant removal capability with its extraordinarily high surface area and sorption capability. Biochar Supreme products ...
Environmental Ultra Biochar from Biochar Supreme - Video
A Class One Biochar designed for environmental cleanup developed by Biochar Supreme, based in Washington State. Tom McCormick from McCormick Environmental showcases the benefits of ...
VERT et NET: Airex transforms biomass into biocoal and biochar, in only 3 sec! - Video
Our videobloger Gabrielle Benabdallah is on a Quebec cleantech tour. This week, she discovers the innovation of Airex Energie which transforms the forest biomass in biochar, a green source of energy, in only 3 seconds! Vert & Net is an Écotech Québec initiative. ...
By Airex Energy
What is Biochar? - Video
Biochar is a high-carbon form of charcoal that is scientifically proven to improve the health and vitality of trees, crops and grass. It lasts for thousands of years so you only need to use it once, it's peat free and good for the environment: 1 tonne of biochar in the ground is the equivalent of 3 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide permanently sequestered from the atmosphere. For more info, ...
How to use Carbon Gold Biology Blend - Video
Biochar Biology Blend is a powerful compost rejuvenator. It brings an intense boost of all the trace minerals and natural biology your plants will need for the season. This encourages healthy root systems which will be reflected in the quality of the aboveground plants. It’s ideal for sprinkling into seed drills or around the roots of young plants as you put them into their growing positions. ...
Clean Cook Stove - Video
A SOURCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY - SMOKELESS BIOMASS STOVE (Small Efforts for Emission Free World & Improved Health of Indian Women - Children) FEATURES • Smokeless improved biomass stove • Portable system and require minimum space for set up • More efficient than traditional chulha & LPG stove • Flame level – Low ,medium, high similar to LPG stove • No external power is required, comes with solar ...
Pyrotech Energy Mobile Pyrolysis Plant - Video
Converting Biomass and Agricultural Residue into Bioenergy and Bio-Chemicals with no catalytic converters and no waste ...
Mobile Pyrolysis Plant-Waste to Energy Plant-Pyrotech Energy Pty Ltd - Video
Thermochemical conversion and valorization of wood waste & agriculture residue utilizing 2nd generation PyroFlash & PyroGasification technology on a mobile platform without the use of a catalyst and without producing any waste streams. Ideal for decentralized renewable energy applications and producing valuable bio-chemicals for carbon sequestration and replacement of glyphosate based ...
Biochar Bob Goes to Costa Rica Part 1 - How Biochar is Making a Social Impact in Central America - Video
On the beach, in the jungle, and tucked in between mountains, biochar-producing cookstoves are making an impact in homes and soils across Costa Rica. These low-emission, high efficiency cookstoves can burn alternative fuels like farm waste or bamboo while simultaneously producing a biochar end-product. When biochar is applied to soils, it enhances its ability to hold water and nutrients longer ...
Biochar Bob Goes to Costa Rica Part 2 - Biochar`s Economic Impact in Central America- Video
On the beach, in the jungle, and tucked in between mountains, biochar-producing cookstoves are making an impact in homes and soils across Costa Rica. These low-emission, high efficiency cookstoves can burn alternative fuels like farm waste or bamboo while simultaneously producing a biochar end-product. When biochar is applied to soils, it enhances its ability to hold water and nutrients longer ...
Musamba Stove Training Video
During April and March of 2015 African Christians Organization Network and AirTerra Inc. worked together to promote clean and efficient biochar generating stoves in Kenya and Malawi. Here is a short video of what we were promoting. ...
Waste To Energy by Balboa Pacific Video
This video describes the Balboa Pacific Waste-to-Energy machine. It uses Pyrolytic Gasification to reduce waste by up to 95% with emissions that are 99.999984% free of any dioxins, furans, smoke or soot! This is a proven technology that is not incineration or just another gasifier. The process can convert all organic waste into revenue generating by-products including clean electricity, biofuel ...
Biochar Video
A Tennessee city is reducing waste going into local landfills, and in the process, creating an agricultural ...
Continuous Pyrolysis Installation (Waste to Energy)
Presentation of the low-temperature continuous pyrolysis complex facility recycling agricultural waste into electric power in Kiev region. The pyrolysis installation working at sunflower husk pellets produces syth-gas and biochar. Welcome to our website <a href="" ...
Biochar Bob Goes to Mexico - Via Organica - Video
In Mexico, I saw how biochar fit into a regenerative agricultural demonstration. Via Organica is an educational organic farm located just outside San Miguel. Here they use compost, seed saving, and biochar as a way to regenerate natural fertility in a dry and dusty ...
Environmental Ultra Biochar from Biochar Supreme - Video
A Class One Biochar designed for environmental cleanup developed by Biochar Supreme, based in Washington State. Tom McCormick from McCormick Environmental showcases the benefits of ...
Biochar - Putting the Carbon Genie Back in the Bottle: Rob Lerner at TEDxSanMiguelDeAllende (2013) Video
Rob Lerner is a biologist, environmentalist, and entrepreneur. A veteran of several start-ups, his business experience spans renewable energy, technology development, and other areas. He is a practicing sustainability advocate, green homebuilder, and biochar philanthropreneur, engaged in biochar project development in chosen hometown of San Miguel de Allende, and in sustainable agroforestry ...
By Cool Planet
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