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Biofuel Production Suppliers For Plastics & Resins

4 companies found
  • Metrohm AG
    based in Herisau, SWITZERLAND

    Metrohm is a worldwide leading manufacturer of precision instruments for chemical analysis. In the field of electrochemical ion analysis Metrohm has been the unchallenged world number one for many years. This is reflected in the company’s ...

  • AB Holding SpA
    based in Orzinuovi (BS), ITALY

    Since 1981, AB has tackled the challenges posed by energy sustainability, working alongside our customers to improve their competitiveness while saving energy and reducing emissions. From our earliest days, we have focused on innovation to develop ...

  • Technokomplex
    based in Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIA

    Technokomplex manufactures and sells the Pirotex pyrolysis plant and auxiliary pyrolysis equipment that process by-products (pyrolysis carbon, liquid fuel) into commercial fractions. The pyrolysis equipment is becoming more relevant for mechanical ...

  • Bio4Energy
    Research institute
    based in Umea, SE-90187, SWEDEN

    Bio4Energy is a research environment based in northern Sweden, in Europe. Bio4Energy research and development is aimed at creating methods and tools for industry's conducting efficient and sustainable biorefinery. Input raw materials powering the ...

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