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Biomass Carbonisation Research Institutes

2 companies found
  • Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation
    Research institute
    based in Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM

    We can only create a better, healthier, safer future if we have the right people, ideas, technology and resources collaborating to make it happen. At the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, we bring low carbon leaders and practitioners from ...

    Carbon Finance

    Carbon Finance

    Carbon finance relates to public, private and social sources and mechanisms for financing low carbon ventures. Carbon finance also explores the financial implications of living in a carbon-constrained world, a world in which emissions of carbon ...

  • Climate Policy Initiative
    Research institute
    based in San Francisco, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    CPI is an analysis and advisory organization that assesses, diagnoses, and supports national efforts to achieve low-carbon growth. Our analysis looks at implemented policy in both the developed and developing world, deriving lessons to help ...

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