Biomass Fuel Downloads

23 downloads found
  • Sigma Thermal - Pre-Engineered Sigma Hot Oil Transfer System (SHOTS) Electric Process Heaters - Brochure

    Sigma Hot Oil Transfer System (SHOTS) are electrically powered thermal fluid heating systems. SHOTS incorporate an electric circulation heater with a low watt density immersion bundle and fluid circulation pump to create a simple, robust, and reliable system. This system uses electricity to heat your thermal fluid instead of natural gas, fuel oil, or biomass fuel sources. We also offer custom ...

  • Model ZE 75 LT - Energy Production Modules Brochure

    The LT-Series ORC modules from Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available in a wide range of models ranging from 75 to 550 kWE. Their ideal eld of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as in waste heat recovery applications from ovens and industrial ...

  • Model ZE 150 LT - Energy Production Modules Brochure

    The LT-Series ORC modules from Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available in a wide range of models ranging from 75 to 550 kWE. Their ideal eld of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as in waste heat recovery applications from ovens and industrial ...

  • Model ZE 500 LT - Energy Production Modules Brochure

    The LT-Series ORC modules from Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available in a wide range of models ranging from 75 to 550 kWE. Their ideal eld of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as in waste heat recovery applications from ovens and industrial ...

  • Model ZE 200 LT - Energy Production Modules Brochure

    The LT-Series ORC modules from Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available in a wide range of models ranging from 75 to 550 kWE. Their ideal eld of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as in waste heat recovery applications from ovens and industrial ...

  • Model ZE 400 LT - Energy Production Modules Brochure

    The LT-Series ORC modules from Zuccato Energia are a compact and efficient solution for small-scale primary power generation. Available in a wide range of models ranging from 75 to 550 kWE. Their ideal eld of application in association with biomass-fueled boilers, as well as in waste heat recovery applications from ovens and industrial ...

  • Carbolite - Model CAF G5 - Ash Fusibility Test Furnace - Datasheet

    The CAF G5 is a furnace designed to test ash fusibility, and optionally, the increasingly popular determination of biomass or solid recovered fuels testing. The coal ash fusibility test furnace conforms to the Standards ISO 540:2008; ASTM D 1857 / D1857M – 04 (2010); DIN 51730:2007-09; DD CEN/TS 15370-1:2006 (biomass) and PD CEN/TR 15404:2010 (solid recovered fuels (SRF)). The CAF ...

  • Cochran - Biomass Boilers Brochure

    Cochran has joined forces with leading biomass energy business Scot Heat & Power to offer a fully integrated steam and hot-water biomass energy solution. This fully integrated turnkey service encompasses the full spectrum of design and specification, through to complete boiler supply, construction and installation. The service can include the long term supply of chipped or pelletised wood ...

  • Bio Heat Cabins - Brochure

    The Ashwell Biomass containerised bio heat cabin offers a complete cost effective biomass boiler house and fuel store solution ready to “plug in and go”. It offers an easy way of changing to renewable energy and lowering your carbon ...

  • MaxMulti - Biomass Boiler Brochure

    The DP MaxMulti is the most flexible and high performing biomass boiler in DP CleanTech’s portfolio. Using High Pressure High Temperature technology originally developed in Europe, the DP Maxmulti has been further refined and patented to deliver tailored, multiple fuel biomass boilers that are the highest performing solutions available in the ...

  • Acid Washed Activated Carbons - Brochure

    BASE: Coconut Shell Charcoal. ACTIVATION AGENT: Steam ...

  • Model DZL - Packaged Biomass Steam Boiler Brochure

    DZL packaged boiler can burn both coal and biomass fuel with a high efficiency. Compact structure and easy installation ensure efficient, clean, economic, safe and stable boiler operation, so it is widely used as an energy-saving and environment-friendly equipment in ...

  • Biocompact - Model 100 kW – 2500 kW - Steel Boilers for Biomass Fuels Brochure

    Steel boiler with 3 horizontal flues, manual heat exchanger cleaning and manual ash collection. Simple ...

  • Ceramic Igniter for wood pellet and biomass stove, boiler and burner

    Igniting wood, pellets and other biomass fuels Introducing the FKK ceramic biomass igniter range, an advance in ignition technology for solid fuels. FKK Corporation specialises in ceramic hot surface igniters and has many years experience of working closely with customers to develop bespoke solutions for innovative appliance manufacturers. We are a trusted manufacturer of hot surface ignition ...

  • Okotherm - Multi Fuel Boilers Brochure

    The Okotherm Multi-fuel boilers are highly versatile, burning a large range of biomass fuels in chipped or pelletised form. Okotherm boilers are available from 49 kW to 800 kW, they are built to avoid clinkering and slagging with any fuel and can burn cleanly without the need for additices such as lime. They have proven their worth in the German market over the last 20 years and have been ...

  • ALL Power Labs - Model CharTainer - Biomass Waste to Heat and Biochar Containerized Unit - Brochure

    The Power Pallet is a renewable power solution that is a sensible answer to a critical global problem. It meets the expectations for portable on-demand generators, is proudly made in California and available now at an affordable price. APL’s unique patented multi-stage gasification architecture, in combination with our innovative gasifier-engine thermal integration, our electronic control ...

  • Saalasti - Bioenergy Products - Brochure

    Everyone at Saalasti crushes, mills, presses, dries, grinds and screens biomass. Making boiler fuel is in our blood. Saalasti has over 70 years’ experience in heavy machinery and over 30 years in converting forest-based biomass into power plant fuel. We supply both individual machines and entire processing stations, with our after-sales services ranging from equipment inspections to ...

  • GAME Engineering Company Profile Brochure

    GAME Engineering originally started out as Grain and Milling Equipment at offices in North Scarle, Lincolnshire in 1986. Over the years, GAME have established themselves as leading materials, processing and handling engineers within a diversity of sectors ranging from animal feed to biomass handling and fuel generation. As GAME moves closer towards celebrating 30 years of trading in 2016, we ...

  • Garioni Naval - HRSG & WHRB - Exhaust Gas Boilers - Brochure

    www.garioninaval.comwww.euroboilers.comENERGY INTELLIGENT ® BOILER PLANT IN WATER-TUBE TECHNIQUEHeat RecoveRyBoileRs-HRsG & WHRB euRoBoileRs GRoupw w w . e u r o b o i l e r s . c o mw w w . g a r i o n i n a v a l . c o m• Building & Hospitals• Manufacturing plants• process industries• petrocHeMical coMplexes• pulp & paper plants• utilities/power producers• iron & steel Mills• tyre & ruBBer ...

  • Garioni Naval - Biomassa NG/CP - Solid Fuel and Biomass Steam Boilers - Brochure

    steam and pressurized water boilerscaldie a vapore e ad acqua surriscaldataNG/CPw w w . g a r i o n i n a v a l . c o mSTEAM BOILERS AND THERMAL OIL HEATERSSOLID FUEL AND BIOMASS STEAM BOILERSCALDAIE A VAPORE PER COMBUSTIBILE SOLIDO E BIOMASSAGarioni Naval offers biomass ?re tube steam boilers which are developed based on our cooperation with globalengineering and European know-how combining with ...

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