Biomass Gasification Articles & Analysis

84 news items found
  • GlassPoint and MISA unveil the next phase of development for the GlassPoint Ma`aden Technology Showcase

    GlassPoint, the leader in decarbonizing industrial process heat, today unveiled the next phase of development for the GlassPoint Ma'aden Technology Showcase (GMTS) in partnership with the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA). In addition, GlassPoint has partnered with Cox as its technical and delivery partner to build the GMTS, as well as several additional solar thermal projects ...

    By GlassPoint Solar Inc.

  • Advancing Biomass Energy: Unveiling the Wood Charcoal Machine

    In an era where sustainability and renewable energy sources command unprecedented attention, the resurgence of biomass energy solutions holds promise. Among these innovative solutions, the wood charcoal machine emerges as a vanguard, steering the trajectory towards cleaner and greener energy alternatives. This article ventures into the intricacies of wood charcoal machines, unraveling the ...

    By Beston Group Co., Ltd.

  • A Successful EBA 10-Year Anniversary Conference

    On the 19th of September the 10-year anniversary of the European Biogas Association (EBA) took place at Palais des Académies in Brussels. The conference was opened by the new president of EBA, Harm Grobrügge. The conference was sold out and there were even people on a waiting list! It’s evident that EBA is a strong voice in Brussels and that the EU Commission listens to EBA. ...

  • Our company signed a cooperation agreement with Shandong University of Technology

    On the morning of July 24, the signing ceremony of the cooperation between Shandong Lulu New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and Shandong University of Technology, School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, was held in the conference room on the fifth floor of the administrative building of Lishan College, Shandong Normal University. Professor He Fang from the School of Transportation and ...

  • Carbon Dioxide Now Being Captured in First of Its Kind BECCS Pilot

    The demonstration plant at the power station, near Selby in North Yorkshire, is using innovative technology, developed by Leeds-based C-Capture, to capture a tonne of CO2 a day, during the pilot. It is the first-time carbon dioxide has been captured from the combustion of a 100% biomass feedstock anywhere in the world.If the BECCS pilot can be scaled up to deliver negative emissions, Drax Power ...

    By Smart Grid Observer

  • ALLETE Clean Energy unveils refurbishment of 50-MW Oregon wind farm

    ALLETE Clean Energy, a fully owned subsidiary of ALLETE, reportedly announced the refurbishment of its 50-Megawatt Condon Wind facility located in Oregon, with the project estimated to be completed by 2019. As per trusted sources, the refurbishment will increase the operating life of the facility, endure its operating availability, and requalify the site for federal production tax credits. The ...

    By Global Market Insights Inc.

  • Allete, Xcel Energy ink new 5-year contract for existing wind farms

    Allete Clean Energy, a Minnesota-based independent power producer and supplier, has recently approved a new 5-year power sale agreement between its Viking wind farms in southern Minnesota and Xcel Energy, Inc., whose original 15-year PPAs will expire in December 2018. As per an official press release, Allan S. Rudeck Jr., President, Allete Clean Energy, said that the company is delighted to ...

    By Global Market Insights Inc.

  • Green Energy: From Waste to Syngas Production

    Syngas production from waste gasification is one way to produce renewable energy. However, varying waste compositions can make gasification challenging to control, resulting in inconsistent syngas compositions. Closely monitoring gas composition and adjusting process conditions during gasification can ensure consistent, high-quality syngas production. Infrared sensors are the ideal solution for ...

  • Social housing providers invited to tour Sheffield District Heating scheme

    Social housing providers can take a look behind the scenes of one of the UK's most successful district heating schemes on Tuesday 13 March in Sheffield. The free half-day tour and seminar is being hosted by the heat network owner and operator Sheffield City Council together with its service partner Switch2 Energy and The Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE). The event is open only to ...

    By Switch2 Energy Limited

  • NREL Updates Baseline Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies

    The U.S. Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has released the 2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB), updating a key source of reliable electricity generation technology cost and performance data used to support and inform electric sector analysis in the United States. Now in its third year, the ATB documents technology-specific information on a broad spectrum of ...

    By Smart Grid Observer

  • Woodchip biomass and gas centre heats University of Northampton

    A new biomass centre had been opened at the University of Northampton. The facility uses woodchip biomass and gas to provide hot water and low carbon heating to buildings around the University’s Waterside campus. Renewable energy specialists Vital Energi worked closely with the University’s Project Management team to build the 1.5MW biomass powered energy centre. It will work as ...

  • ANDRITZ and Metsä Fibre successfully perform joint program to eliminate fossil fuel use in lime kiln at Joutseno mill, Finland

    NDRITZ and Metsä Fibre have successfully collaborated on a program to maximize reduction of the use of fossil fuels, as well as improve the overall performance of the lime kiln at the Joutseno mill in Finland. The goal of the program, entitled “Gasification Plant 100% Utilization Rate”, was to maximize the availability of all equipment, including the wood processing plant, dryer, ...

    By Andritz AG

  • Biomass Combustion Research

    The use of alternative combustion fuels that provide a renewable source of energy is a major area of research and investment. Sources of biomass fuels include virgin wood, energy crops, agricultural residues, food waste and industrial waste. Controlling the combustion process of any new fuel and keeping track of the biomass fuel emissions of combustion by-products is important to users of these ...

  • ALLETE Clean Energy Plans Expansion of North Dakota Wind Farm

    ALLETE Clean Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ALLETE, Inc. (NYSE: ALE), today announced its plan to work with Montana-Dakota Utilities (MDU) to expand the Thunder Spirit wind farm in North Dakota, reaching the 150-megawatt permitted capacity of the facility ALLETE Clean Energy developed in 2014 and 2015. ALLETE Clean Energy secured a 25-year power purchase agreement with MDU to purchase ...

    By Allete, Inc

  • Enerstena becomes official supporter of WBA

    The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) is pleased to announce that Enerstena Group has become an official supporter of WBA. “Enerstena” Group of Companies is well-known in Lithuanian energy sector, distinguishing itself for its biomass heating technologies. They operate on the energy market since 2002. Their achievements are the following: development of own technology, establishment ...

  • Syngas Cleaning Station for Gas Analysis

    Remove TAR , Dust & Water vapour Transportable with 3 refillable bubbler Inlet from process Hi-Temperature probe Peltier cooler with 1 heat exchanger Internal Sample pump Gas sample out dry @ 5 ⁰C Max Flow sample out 300 Nl/h Low cost of ownership Cooler maintenance free Universal uses in sampling gas Regarding the presence of tars in biosyngas, it may be stated that ...

  • In Seattle waste heat is being recovered to heat buildings

    David Ferris reports in EnergyWire on creative waste heat recovery in Seattle Wash.. First he updates the progress of Amazon’s new campus in the Denny Triangle, which will be heated by otherwise wasted heat generated by a data center in the Westin Building across the street; then he describes the use of waste heat from the air conditioning system in the new Cyrene building on the ...

  • EUBCE 2016: Do not miss Monday Conference Opening

    Admission is free from 9 am to 12:30 pm Plenary Session "Applications of Science in Industry" Chaired by: André Faaij, Conference General Chairman, Academic Director Energy Academy Europe and Distinguished Professor Energy System Analysis, Groningen University David Baxter, Technical Programme Chairman, European Commission, DG JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport With: ...

  • Problem-solving Studies on Biomass Gasification, Waste Water Treatment Enabled by VR Grants

    Bio4Energy researchers have won funds for carrying out scientific studies on reducing soot formation in biomass gasification for making biofuels, as well as two projects on water purification in developing countries. The prestigious Swedish Research Council (VR) announced a number of decisions on research funding this week, with the grants to Bio4Energy's researchers corresponding to the 'Natural ...

    By Bio4Energy

  • Businesses find savings in Combined Heat and Power Systems

    Businesses and organizations across the country are saving money and reducing their environmental footprint by using combined heat and power (CHP) technology in their buildings. These highly efficient systems simultaneously produce electricity and heat from a single fuel source, often resulting in reduced energy costs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) CHP Partnership helps ...

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