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Biorefineries Suppliers & Manufacturers

13 companies found
  • One World Clean Energy (OWCE)
    Service provider
    based in Louisville, KENTUCKY (USA)

    One World Clean Energy (OWCE) Innovative model has united what was once separate parts into one, integrated whole: By targeting markets with high energy costs, underutilized agricultural communities, and unstable energy distribution. By rigorous ...

    Commercialization Services

    Commercialization Services

    One World Clean Energy’s™ mission is to build and operate (BO) partner-owned facilities, or build, own, and operate (BOO) corporately owned facilities based upon the One World Clean Energy™ Integrated Biorefinery ...

  • Sekab
    based in Domsjö, SWEDEN

    Sekab is a green chemical company. We manufacture bio based chemicals and fuels. We are conducting cutting edge research and development for new sustainable product opportunities. Sekab is a green chemical company. We manufacture biobased chemicals ...

    Sekab - Cellulose Using Biorefinery Technology

    Sekab - Cellulose Using Biorefinery Technology

    Using our biorefinery technology we can decompose cellulose. Cellulose is a carbohydrate that forms the major part of all plants’ cell walls and is thus the most common organic substance in nature. Cellulose is relatively hard, making plants ...

  • Marquis Energy, LLC
    based in Hennepin, ILLINOIS (USA)

    Marquis is an industry-leading organization with a long history of producing and marketing low-carbon feed and fuel solutions. We are proud to have the largest dry-mill ethanol facility in the world, generating more than 495 million gallons ...

  • Botres Global
    Service provider
    based in , ITALY

    Experts with unique technology in field of residue biorefinery, biogas and waste water treatment. Coverage of all fields, like waste pre-treatment, anaerobic digestion, waste water treatment, fertilizer production/composting, green chemistry, and ...

    Pure Innovative Consulting Services

    Pure Innovative Consulting Services

    Biogas and Biorefinery installations can be tough to develop. Initiating a project takes one to two years, and financing requires a high ratio of private equity. We provide consulting tools for risk-free investment based on proven industrial ...

  • Mercurius Biorefining Inc
    based in ???????Ferndale, WASHINGTON (USA)

    Mercurius is developing and scaling up its novel REACH™ technology, a low cost process which converts cellulosic biomass wastes to hydrocarbons in the diesel, jet, and marine fuels ranges as well as renewable chemicals like FDCA and bio-char for ...

  • European Renewable Ethanol Association (ePURE)
    Professional association
    based in Brussels, BELGIUM

    ePURE represents the interests of European renewable ethanol producers to the EU institutions, industry stakeholders, the media, academia and the general public. Based in Brussels, ePURE speaks for 42 member companies and associations, with around ...

  • BTG BioLiquids - BTG Biomass Technology Group
    based in Enschede, NETHERLANDS

    BTG Bioliquids wants to contribute to a cleaner energy supply by substituting fossil fuels with fuels from renewable sources. Our technology enables customers to turn biomass residues into a renewable fuel: fast pyrolysis bio-oil (FPBO). FPBO can be ...

  • BioRefinex Canada Inc.
    based in Calgary, ALBERTA (CANADA)

    BioRefinex produces renewable natural gas and high-grade organic fertilizers from agricultural waste that otherwise would be incinerated, landfilled, or buried. The company is developing the Lacombe Biorefinery project, located in the heart of ...



    Once commissioned, the Lacombe Biorefinery will be producing biogas to provide enough fuel for a 1.4MW power generation unit. This renewable energy source, comprising mostly methane (natural gas), will be produced using large anaerobic digester ...

  • Eni Energy
    based in Roma, ITALY

    We are an energy company. We concretely support a just energy transition, with the objective of preserving our planet and promoting an efficient and sustainable access to energy for all. Our work is based on passion and innovation, on our unique ...

  • Enerkem
    based in Montréal, QUEBEC (CANADA)

    Enerkem makes biofuels and renewable chemicals from waste. With its proprietary technology, Enerkem converts non-recyclable municipal solid waste into methanol, ethanol and other widely used chemical intermediates. Headquartered in Canada, Enerkem ...

    Biorefinery Process System

    Biorefinery Process System

    A biorefinery with the lowest production costs compared to alternatives. Consider an Enerkem biorefinery as your solution for domestic clean energy and sustainable waste ...

  • Easy Energy Systems, Inc
    based in Mankato, MINNESOTA (USA)

    At Easy Energy Systems (EES) we are passionate about providing dynamic solutions to our world's energy problems. With this common purpose we are building an ecosystem of the best people, partners and customers to bring forth innovative technologies ...

  • Bio4Energy
    Research institute
    based in Umea, SE-90187, SWEDEN

    Bio4Energy is a research environment based in northern Sweden, in Europe. Bio4Energy research and development is aimed at creating methods and tools for industry's conducting efficient and sustainable biorefinery. Input raw materials powering the ...

  • Cellana Inc.
    based in Kailua-Kona, HAWAII (USA)

    Cellana, a leading developer of algae-based bioproducts, uses the most productive plants on earth – marine microalgae – to produce its ReNew line of Omega-3 EPA and DHA oils, animal feed, and biofuel feedstocks. Cellana’s patented ALDUO system, a ...

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