Cellulosic Biofuels Suppliers In USA
Professional associationbased in Ellisville, MISSOURI (USA)
Since 1981, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has been helping Americans have more affordable, efficient, and environmentally friendly fuel for their cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and engines of all kinds. As the authoritative voice of the ...
Technologybased in Washington, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (USA)
DG Fuels will initially focus on the production of synthetic jet fuel then later synthetic diesel fuel. The DG Fuels Program will be implemented over 15 years at multiple locations and in multiple phases at each location. The electric power for the ...
Service providerbased in Sherwood, ARKANSAS (USA)
Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc. is the world’s largest biodiesel consulting group. We offer a wide range of services from the initial assessment and planning stages of a project - through selection of technology and oversight of construction - to ...
Cellulosic Ethanol
Cellulosic ethanol is an alcohol made from biomass such as wood and agricultural residues (instead of the starches which are used to produce corn/grain ethanol). The difference between starch and cellulosic ethanol start with the plants. In the ...
Manufacturerbased in ???????Ferndale, WASHINGTON (USA)
Mercurius is developing and scaling up its novel REACH™ technology, a low cost process which converts cellulosic biomass wastes to hydrocarbons in the diesel, jet, and marine fuels ranges as well as renewable chemicals like FDCA and bio-char for ...
Professional associationbased in Washington, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (USA)
Growth Energy is the leading biofuel trade association in the country. We represent producers and supporters of biofuels who are working to bring consumers better choices at the fuel pump, grow America’s economy, and improve the environment for ...
Manufacturerbased in Tampa, FLORIDA (USA)
Vincent Corporation specializes in the design, engineering and manufacturing of screw presses. These are machines that squeeze liquid out of organic material, operating in a continuous (not batch) mode. We offer small 4″ laboratory models on up to ...
Service providerbased in Old Bethpage, NEW YORK (USA)
Bion Environmental Technologies has provided environmental treatment solutions to the agriculture and livestock industry. Bion's patented next-generation technology provides a unique comprehensive treatment of livestock waste that achieves ...
Technologybased in Grand Forks, ALABAMA (USA)
D3MAX, a technology company established by BBI International, focuses on licensing its patented cellulosic ethanol technology to dry mill ethanol plants across the United States. The company's advanced technology is designed to convert corn fiber ...
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