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Bioenergy Research Institutes

10 companies found
  • Research institute
    based in Sarriguren, SPAIN

    The National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) develops applied research in renewable energies, and provides technological support to companies and energy institutions in six areas: wind, solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy, biomass, ...

    Biomass Energy

    Biomass Energy

    The CENER Biomass Energy Department carries out applied research activities in biomass energy, providing services to all the sector players: associations, public administrations, users, producers, financial institutions, etc. Its main objective is ...

  • Hysep By TNO
    Research institute
    based in Petten, NETHERLANDS

    TNO is an independent research organisation founded in 1932 and established by law as the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. Our goal is to make knowledge accessible to businesses and governments. Our organisation consists of ...

  • Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Research institute
    based in St. Louis, MISSOURI (USA)

    The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri is a not-for-profit research institute. Scientists at the Center are engaged in research that strives to enhance the nutritional content of plants, increase agricultural production to ...

    Enterprise Institute For Renewable Fuels

    Enterprise Institute For Renewable Fuels

    In 2007 the Taylor family, owners of Enterprise Rent-A-Car, joined forces with the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, the largest independent plant research center in the world, to establish the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Institute for Renewable ...

  • CUTEC-Institut GmbH / Clausthaler Umwelttechnik-Institut GmbH
    Research institute
    based in Clausthal-Zellerfeld, GERMANY

    New developments and improvements in existing technical products and processes must prove their worth in national as well as international competition, not only from an economic, but to an increasing extent also from an ecological standpoint. ...

    Energy Systems

    Energy Systems

    Energy is very necessary, nprocess can be operated without energy input. But we need tuse energy very efficient in order tsave resources and tconvert our energy system towards a renewable and sustainable one. The whole situation is quite ...

  • Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation
    Research institute
    based in Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM

    We can only create a better, healthier, safer future if we have the right people, ideas, technology and resources collaborating to make it happen. At the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, we bring low carbon leaders and practitioners from ...

    Carbon Finance

    Carbon Finance

    Carbon finance relates to public, private and social sources and mechanisms for financing low carbon ventures. Carbon finance also explores the financial implications of living in a carbon-constrained world, a world in which emissions of carbon ...

  • Bio4Energy
    Research institute
    based in Umea, SE-90187, SWEDEN

    Bio4Energy is a research environment based in northern Sweden, in Europe. Bio4Energy research and development is aimed at creating methods and tools for industry's conducting efficient and sustainable biorefinery. Input raw materials powering the ...

  • Southern Research Institute
    Research institute
    based in Birmingham, ALABAMA (USA)

    Southern Research, founded in 1941, is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization conducting basic and applied research in Alabama, Maryland, and North Carolina. For more than 35 years, Southern Research has provided environmental and energy services ...

    Oxy-Firing for CO2 Mitigation Service

    Oxy-Firing for CO2 Mitigation Service

    The need for new carbon-sequestration technologies has increased due to concerns about global warming and potential regulations requiring the sequestration of CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel-fired power-generating stations. Specifically, technologies ...

  • Climate Policy Initiative
    Research institute
    based in San Francisco, CALIFORNIA (USA)

    CPI is an analysis and advisory organization that assesses, diagnoses, and supports national efforts to achieve low-carbon growth. Our analysis looks at implemented policy in both the developed and developing world, deriving lessons to help ...

  • National Alliance For Advanced Biofuels and Bio-Products (NAABB)
    Research institute
    based in , NEW MEXICO (USA)

    The overall goal of the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts consortium is to produce new technologies that can be implemented by our commercial partners and others developing the algal biofuel industry. In order to achieve this ...

  • Fraunhofer UMSICHT examines, develops and optimises technical processes in the areas of environmental, safety, process, and energy technology. Environmentally compatible processes, hydrological engineering, biomass energy generation, district ...

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