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Bioenergy Software Vendors

3 companies found
  • Carbon-And-More
    Software vendor
    based in Mississauga, ONTARIO (CANADA)

    We help enterprises get better at sustainability management. We are committed to delivering a service that is promoting the ideas of triple bottom line, sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). We are striving to make our solution ...

  • Corporate Carbon Data
    Software vendor
    based in London, UNITED KINGDOM

    Corporate Carbon Data is a carbon footprint research company and data vendor offering information and technology services to a wide range of organisations in the world. We provide specialised data and analysis services related to information on ...

  • Ekster and Associates, Inc.
    Software vendor
    based in Boca Raton, FLORIDA (USA)

    Ekster and Associates software has 1-5 years payback period, with shorter payback period for wastewater treatment plants larger than 10 MGD. Ekster and Associates consulting is often provided free of charge to wastewater treatment plants due to ...

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