Landfill Gas Equipment Supplied In Australasia

21 equipment items found
  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    The Biogas compressor series C is an oilfree screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows up to 1900 m³/h and 3,5 bar overpressure. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    AERZEN screw compressor packages are characterised by a great variety of types and a lot of modification possibilities. Whether these compressors serve as part of the customer's plant concept or they are applied as complete system solution, AERZEN always adapts to individual customer requirements. Forming the basis for this is the development competence of this world market ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    Every year, millions of tons of household garbage and other refuse are deposited in landfills around the world. Biochemical decomposition processes of organic bonds in these landfills produce up to 150 – 250 m³ of landfill gases per tonne of household garbage. Due to a methane content of up to 60%, landfill gas ranks number six on the list of climate-disrupting methane producers ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    The use of biogas as an energy source will considerably help achieve the environmental objectives set nationally and internationally; be that reducing reliance on nuclear energy or the reduction of CO2 emissions. Specially designed for the biogas market, AERZEN biogas blowers of series GM ensure ultimate reliability and ...

  • Premium
    based in AUSTRIA

    The NOXmatic comprises the most up-to-date quality gas are technology ensuring the safe, efficient and environmentally friendly combustion of gases from landfill, bio and sewage gas systems. Depending on the application parameters and the required combustion characteristics, the ares are supplied as either low or medium temperature units supplied with the required additional burner technology. ...

  • Premium
    based in GERMANY

    The biogas compressor series VMY is an oil-injected screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants (BGIP) for the compression of biomethane to inject into gas grids. ...

  • Manufactured by Ennovo
    based in AUSTRALIA

    The innovative Lo-Cal HT flare is designed to provide greater gas control during the latter phases of a landfill site, or gas with a low methane concentration. The Lo-Cal HT flare has enabled LFG migration and odour control on landfill sites where conventional plant and equipment has failed. High temperature combustion of gas with low methane concentration is necessary on more and more landfill ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Long service intervals, maintenance-friendly engine design and low fuel consumption ensure maximum efficiency in GE Energy’s type 3 engines. Optimised engine components prolonging service, life even when using non-pipeline gases such as landfill gas. The Type-3 stands out in its 500 to 1,100 kWe power range due to its technical maturity and high degree of ...

  • based in UNITED KINGDOM

    This range of quiet running Turbo gas boosters are available in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stage forms and have been developed to run continuously under full load conditions delivering a wide variety of gases at reasonably high pressures. The shaft is sealed to isolate the bearings when boosting landfill or biogas. Standard machines have aluminium housing, interstage casing and impeller. Alternative ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Generate electricity and heat via a combined heat and power gas engine. Biogas is formed by the anaerobic decomposition of putrescible organic material. Biogas can either be used to generate electricity and heat via a combined heat and power gas engine, or can be cleaned to produce pure biomethane via biogas upgrading. Clarke Energy is a distributor of Jenbacher gas engines which are designed for ...

  • Manufactured by Windsor Engineering
    based in NEW ZEALAND

    Utilising waste gas in process heating or power generation (gas engine) is a preferred method of disposal, but sometimes it is impractical due to distance from a suitable site. Flaring gas is the best alternative in this situation. A temporary flare may also be required for co-generation standby systems and during landfill ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    A fuel gas dehumidifier or gas drier is an ancillary system to a gas engine that is used to remove moisture from the fuel gas for the cogeneration system (dessication). The removal of water from the fuel gas helps to optimise the combustion process in the engine, prevents condensation and helps protect the engine from the ...

  • Manufactured by Hydroflux Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    FlareWell® waste gas burners form part the anaerobic digestion process. FlareWell is designed to burn gas from the digestion process in excess of the gas necessary for the sludge heating system. The burner is automatic in operation and uses digester gas and/or LPG for pilot ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Through on-going investment in research and development GE's gas engines remain market leaders in the gas engine field. The engines are highly efficient at the conversion of the energy within gas into useful electrical power. In the event that there is a local use for heat, the alternative combined heat and power configuration may be a more useful engine ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Syngas, also known as synthesis gas, synthetic gas or producer gas, can be produced from a variety of different materials that contain carbon. These can include biomass (wood gas), plastics, coal, municipal waste or similar materials. Historically town gas was used to provide a gas supply to many residences in Europe and other industrialised countries in the 20th Century. Gas engines utilising ...

  • Manufactured by Gasco Pty Ltd.
    based in AUSTRALIA

    Flares, also known as gas flares and flare stacks, are a gas combustion device used in industrial plants such as petroleum refineries, chemical plants, and natural gas processing plants as well as at oil or gas production sites having oil wells, gas wells, offshore oil and gas rigs and landfills. Gasco, along with our technology partner, has supplied flares to the oil and gas, flares for ...

  • Manufactured by Eneraque Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    Eneraque delivers state-of-the-art landfill gas utilisation. As leading providers and system integration experts, we’ll handle the entire process — so you get a complete gas-to-energy solution designed, manufactured, and installed to your site requirements. Eneraque have full comprehensive capabilities and extensive experience in all aspects of landfill field gas gathering design, ...

  • Manufactured by Eneraque Pty Ltd
    based in AUSTRALIA

    When waste is stored in landfill sites, micro-organisms break down the waste material causing gas to be released. This gas can be extracted from disposal site and made available for use as fuel. Eneraque manufactures, installs and maintains landfill gas flares purpose built for your waste ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    Coal mine methane (CMM) is a type of gas present in active, working mine sites. This gas is extracted from the air in the coal mine helping improve safety and preventing uncontrolled release of methane to ...

  • Manufactured by Clarke Energy
    based in UNITED KINGDOM

    The Jenbacher Type-2 gas engine was introduced in 1974 and is the engine with the longest development history of the range. The 208 has 8 inline cylinders and is available at electrical output from 249kWe or 335kWe. The J208 is renowned for its robust design and highest levels of component durability. It is particularly well suited to troublesome gases such as landfill ...

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