Methane Biogas Equipment Supplied In USA

12 equipment items found
  • Premium
    based in USA

    Several trials have been conducted to showcase the diversity of the technologies capability to adjust to different feedstocks. An anerobic digestor operator in N. Ireland, displaying high levels, of hydrogen sulfide at 270 ppm and low methane output. The trial was conducted with daily treatment of BGE1 and BGE2 on an 600,000-gallon anaerobic digestor with a combined feedstock of grass, chicken ...

  • Premium
    based in USA

    BGEm by ELI BioScience is a unique blend of methane forming bacteria called acetolactic methanogens as wall as hydrogen oxidizing methanogens. These microbes have been Isolated and stabilized in BGEm for their effectiveness to convert acetate and methyl to methane. Hydrogen oxidizing methanogens aid in producing hydrogen ions which react with available carbon dioxide to increase methane ...

  • Manufactured by GPL Odorizers
    based in USA

    The GPL 750 odorizer draws from advanced proprietary technology to provide precise odorization in even problematic conditions, for example, low-volume (even no-flow) and intermittent-volume conditions. The odorizer unit is appropriate for municipalities, small city gate stations, and methane (biogas) producers. The PLC receives flow information and automatically compensates the injection rate to ...

  • Manufactured by AB Holding SpA
    based in ITALY

    BIOCH4NGE is the AB solution for upgrading biogas-to-biomethane through a membrane system: flexibility, scalability and low energy consumption for a real competitive ...

  • Manufactured by Biogas Energy Inc.
    based in USA

    Biogas Energy's digesters feed dairy manure, ag waste, food waste and green waste to bacteria that make methane. This methane is called biogas and it is converted into electricity, RNG fuel, hydrogen fuel, and pure carbon ...

  • based in USA

    As energy costs grow, facilities are increasingly seeking alternative fuel sources, including biogas, to help offset power costs for their plants. WesTech has many years of experience in supplying customers with anaerobic digestion equipment that adds value to plant ...

  • based in CANADA

    Methane emissions have more than 20 times the impact on the environment than carbon dioxide. In this case, we mean impact in a bad way. Our software and hardware solutions will help you understand your methane emissions, and then actually reduce them in a profitable ...

  • Manufactured by Xchanger, Inc.
    based in USA

    The AA Series heat exchangers are designed to efficiently cool low pressure gas streams using ambient air, offering an ideal solution for environments with restricted cooling water access. These air-cooled units are equipped with a TEFC 230/460 VAC, 3-phase motor, a robust cooling fan, and an OSHA-compliant fan guard, with options for alternate motors when necessary. Constructed with a galvanized ...

  • based in USA

    Our flagship EcoVolt Reactor is the world’s first bioelectrically-enhanced wastewater treatment solution, converting wastewater to renewable energy. Leveraging electrically-active microbes, the EcoVolt Reactor efficiently treats wastewater while extracting clean energy and clean water, allowing partners to cut wastewater management costs and achieve sustainability ...

  • based in USA

    ClearRefining is a patented low temperature and low pressure refining technology that has significant benefits over traditional refining technologies. These benefits include: significantly reduced capital equipment costs; enhanced operating safety, reduced energy consumption, and easier permitting through our unique near-zero emission closed-loop design. Key to our process is the adaptability of ...

  • Manufactured by Aemetis, Inc.
    based in USA

    We produce Renewable Natural Gas that reduces methane and other greenhouse gas emissions while providing economic security to local dairies. Aemetis Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) has a negative carbon intensity and is addressing the problem of harmful greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) while providing jobs and economic development. In 2020, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved ...

  • based in USA

    Efficient HEI biogas plants are designed to generate 1,000-5,000 KW REC. HEI builds biogas facilities for the agricultural industry who can generate a cash flow from the large volumes of animal waste. The organic content of the manure is anaerobically digested with cultured microbes to produce biogas containing 55-60% methane. The biogas methane is used as fuel in lean burning engines which ...

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