Bioenergy Equipment Supplied In India
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
Acme electric hot water boilers are economical units that deliver maximum kilowatts in minimum space requirements. Ideal for new boiler applications or as a replacement unit to upgrade existing applications. This model takes up less floor area and fits through smaller openings than oil or gas-fired units. Easy and economical to install, available in sizes from 9 KW to 2600 KW at all common ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
A compact, reliable source of steam for space and process heating, these immersion element boilers are virtually 100% energy efficient. They are completely packaged boilers ideally suited for applications requiring from 30 to more than 10,000 pounds of steam per hour. ACME Steam Generators are based on more than half a century of accumulated experience in the electric heating field. Easy and ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The biogas compressor series VMY is an oil-injected screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants (BGIP) for the compression of biomethane to inject into gas grids. ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
ACME Steam Superheaters are available for operating pressures of up to 800 PSIG and temperatures up to 1200 deg. F. Steam flow is only limited by practical size considerations. Pressure sections are built to ASME code with National Board or CRN registration. Burners are AGA or CGA listed with UL, CSA or other gas train standards as requested or applicable. The ACME Steam Superheater is delivered ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The Biogas compressor series C is an oilfree screw compressor in 3 sizes for volume flows up to 1900 m³/h and 3,5 bar overpressure. It is suitable for boosting the intake pressure of treatment plants for biogas (BGTP) or as an essential part of biogas injection plants ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
The use of biogas as an energy source will considerably help achieve the environmental objectives set nationally and internationally; be that reducing reliance on nuclear energy or the reduction of CO2 emissions. Specially designed for the biogas market, AERZEN biogas blowers of series GM ensure ultimate reliability and ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
ACME Electric Steam Superheaters are available for use with steam boilers as auxiliary pieces of equipment. Our superheaters are all custom-made and built to meet the specific design requirements of each application. A superheater increases the temperature of the steam but does not increase the latent heat of evaporation. This means that heating with superheated steam is similar to heating with ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN process gas compressors are installed as single or multiple stage units in chemical, petrochemical, raw material and energy producing plants and in many other production centres of the processing industry all over the world. The unit is ideally suited for dry compression of all gases in chemical and petrochemical industries. Technical Data: Suction volume flow up to: 75.000 m³/h, ...
PremiumManufactured by Metrohm AGbased in SWITZERLAND
The 892 Professional Rancimat is an analysis system for the simple and safe determination of the oxidation stability of natural fats and oils with the well-established Rancimat method. With eight measuring positions in two heating blocks. The built-in display shows the status of the instrument and each individual measuring position. Start buttons for every measuring position enable the ...
PremiumManufactured by Kovalus Separation Solutions, Inc.based in USA
The SgPur system is specifically designed to treat sour gas from oil and gas operations. The system reduces hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations and converts it to solid elemental sulfur for resale. The system uses a liquid chemical catalyst, compact gas/liquid contactor, and solids removal system and does not consume the chemical catalyst driving the conversion of H2S to sulfur, minimizing ...
PremiumManufactured by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbHbased in GERMANY
AERZEN screw compressor packages are characterised by a great variety of types and a lot of modification possibilities. Whether these compressors serve as part of the customer's plant concept or they are applied as complete system solution, AERZEN always adapts to individual customer requirements. Forming the basis for this is the development competence of this world market ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor ...
PremiumManufactured by Acme Engineering Prod. Ltd.based in CANADA
ACME Electric Steam Superheaters are available for use with steam boilers as auxiliary pieces of equipment. Our superheaters are all custom-made and built to meet the specific design requirements of each application. A superheater increases the temperature of the steam but does not increase the latent heat of evaporation. ...
PremiumManufactured by Challenge Technologybased in USA
The BPA-800 Biomethane Potential Analyzer monitors the production of biogas in bench scale reactors for precision optimizing of gas production for evaluation of environmental and chemical ...
PremiumManufactured by Metrohm AGbased in SWITZERLAND
The 893 Professional Biodiesel Rancimat is an analysis system for easy and safe determination of the oxidation stability of biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester, FAME) and biodiesel blends in accordance with EN 14112, EN 15751 and EN 16568 standards. With eight measuring positions in two heating blocks. The built-in display shows the status of the instrument and each individual measuring position. ...
Manufactured by Clarke Energybased in UNITED KINGDOM
A fuel gas dehumidifier or gas drier is an ancillary system to a gas engine that is used to remove moisture from the fuel gas for the cogeneration system (dessication). The removal of water from the fuel gas helps to optimise the combustion process in the engine, prevents condensation and helps protect the engine from the ...
Manufactured by GGE Power Pvt. Ltd.based in INDIA
Membrane gas holders are the most flexible, economical, reliable and efficient biogas storage solution available in market. The membrane gas holder is fundamental to the process of anaerobic digestion by ensuring a regular supply of biogas availablity for the rest of the plant to operate consistently and ...
Manufactured by GP Green Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd. (GP Energy)based in INDIA
The Dual Fluidized Bed ( DFB ) Gasifier developed by Gussing Renewable GmbH (GRE) with the technology introduced by Vienna University of Technology, is considered as the most sophisticated process for the production of gas from renewable resources in the world and is state of the art. At the heart of the FICFB (Fast Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed) reactor are two interconnected fluidized ...
Manufactured by Rubber Concept (RC)based in INDIA
Rubber Concept moulding department functions as a full service provider to the customers. With over 20 years of rubber moulding experience, we are a leading manufacturer of custom precision rubber moulding products. We specialize in custom design and compounding and can provide any shape rubber moulded parts to meet the needs of our customers. ...
Manufactured by Perfect Bio-Waste & Power Management Pvt. Ltdbased in INDIA
Our Biogas Plants / Digesters are exemplary for their innovative engineering and are available in various sizes ranging from 0.25 m3 to 15000 m3 capacity of single Biogas Digester. We are offering Bio Gas Plants in various models like Fixed dome, Floating Dome, Over Head Digesters depending on the site ...
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