Wood Combustion Services
based in AUSTRIA
Expertises concerning various aspects of energetic biomass utilisation and environmental assessment issues Expertises concerning emissions and evaluation of emissions from waste wood fired combustion plants (including analyses and measurements) as well as evaluation of primary measures for emission reduction Expertises concerning corrosion and possibilities to avoid corrosion in ...
Manufactured by Nexterra Systems Corp.based in CANADA
Nexterra's team possesses extensive skills and experience in system design, permitting, project execution, customer support and service, and product development. Several members of Nexterra's management and senior engineering/project delivery team have joined Nexterra after extensive careers with major suppliers of wood combustion technologies and power generation systems. ...
based in ALBANIA
Mott MacDonald’s experience with alternate energy schemes is extensive, driven by the urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from traditional sources and to find reliable and sustainable sources of renewable ...
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