Allerton Press, Inc.

Allerton Press, Inc.

Electrical Engineering Journal


This journal is designed for the electrical engineering industry and publishes the latest research results on the design and utilization of new types of equipment for that industry and on ways of improving the efficiency of existing equipment.

Authors / Editors:
  • Publishes the latest research results on the design and utilization of new equipment for the industry
  • Explores strategies and techniques for improving the efficiency of existing equipment
  • Features both theoretical and applied papers to meet the needs of the electrical engineering industry

Russian Electrical Engineering publishes the latest research results on the design and utilization of new equipment for the electrical engineering industry. Moreover, it explores strategies and techniques for improving the efficiency of existing equipment.

Publishing both theoretical and applied papers, the journal addresses electrical machines and drives, power electronics, electrical transformation, insulating materials, low voltage apparatuses, cable design and thermal analysis, and high voltage electrical equipment and technology. In addition, the journal investigates electrothermics, electromechanics, electrical equipment for the petroleum industry, control systems, electricity supply, computer analysis of electricity supply systems, and superconducting magnets.

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