Engineering Dielectrics: Volume I Corona Measurement and Interpretation
The ASTM series on Engineering Dielectrics is devoted to a comprehensive presentation of topics related to electrical insulating materials that concern their dielectric properties, their use, and evaluation for application for electrical power and communication apparatus structures and devices. The first volume in this series deals with corona or partial discharge measurements. The contents of Volume 1 have been designed so that the contents can be used as a reference source on corona discharges by specialist in the field s well as an introductory test by beginners. Each chapter has been arranged to provide an introduction followed by an extensive review treatise on a particular aspect of the corona discharge field. Volume 1 covers the entire field of corona measurement and detection on electrical insulating materials and apparatus structures such as capacitor, cables, transformers, and electrical machines
- Price:
- Price (North America): $131
Price (Elsewhere): $131 - Print ISSN:
- 978-0-8031-0332-0
- Launch:
- 1979
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