Electrical Power Books
Submarine Power Cables
Submarine power cables are installed for the highest voltages and power to transport electric energy under the sea between islands, countries and even continents. ...
Ocean Wave Energy
It describes the actual principles applied to machines that convert wave power in electricity. Additionally, an ...
Designing Competitive Electricity Markets
As electric restructuring spreads rapidly across countries and states, leading industry experts are increasingly concerned that in many instances policy makers are pushing their proposals into practice more quickly than policy analysts can provide answers to difficult questions of market design. ...
Safer Complex Industrial Environments: A Human Factors Approach
With a particular focus on nuclear power plants in Japan, this book provides a state-of-the-art account on how to make industrial systems safer. ...
Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks
Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks introduces a new viewpoint on power electronics, re-thinking the basic philosophy governing electricity distribution systems. ...
Power Distribution Planning Reference Book, Second Edition
Providing more than twice the content of the original edition, this new edition is the premier source on the selection, development, and provision of safe, high-quality, and cost-effective electric utility distribution systems, and it promises vast improvements in system reliability and layout by spanning every aspect of system planning including load forecasting, scheduling, ...
The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy
The old economy, fueled largely by coal and oil, is being replaced with one powered by solar and wind ...
Transport Fuels Technology: Mobility for the Millennium
Transport is fundamental for today's lifestyles. Speed and reliability demand powered propulsion, which is why suitable fuels are so vital. This volume contains preliminary reviews of the basic sciences, followed by in-depth discussions of the sources, processing, properties, handling, combustion performance, and emissions of both conventional and alternative fuel types. ...
Wind Power Systems
For example, recently more significant amounts of wind power are being integrated into conventional power grids. Therefore, it is necessary to address various important and challenging issues related to wind ...
Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices
Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices considers the structure, control and performance of series compensating DVR, the shunt DSTATCOM and the shunt with series UPQC for power quality improvement in electricity distribution.Also addressed are other power electronic devices for improving ...
Electrical Engineering Journal
This journal is designed for the electrical engineering industry and publishes the latest research results on the design and utilization of new types of equipment for that industry and on ways of improving the efficiency of existing ...
Energy for a Warming World
Energy for a Warming World challenges the commonplace notion that the amount of power which mankind can potentially harness from renewable resources is more than large enough to assuage future demand levels. ...
The Great Transition: Shifting from Fossil Fuels to Solar and Wind Energy
The old economy, fueled largely by coal and oil, is being replaced with one powered by solar and wind ...
Fuel Cell Technologies: State And Perspectives
Fuel Cells have become a potentially highly efficient sustainable source of energy and electricity for an ever-demanding power hungry world. The two main types of fuel cells ripe for commercialisation are the high temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and the low temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM). ...
Fuel Cell Technologies: State And Perspectives
Fuel Cells have become a potentially highly efficient sustainable source of energy and electricity for an ever-demanding power hungry world. The two main types of fuel cells ripe for commercialisation are the high temperature solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and the low temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEM). ...
Micro Cogeneration
A large-scale introduction of micro CHP would radically change the electricity system and turn consumers into power producers. At the same time, micro CHP could, if ...
Operation of Restructured Power Systems
The book provides an in depth coverage of power system operation in the deregulated electricity market environment. ...
Auctions in the Electricity Market
Electricity is an essential commodity traded at power exchanges. Its price is very volatile within a day and over the year. ...
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