Heat To Power Books
Power Generation from Solid Fuels
Power Generation from Solid Fuels introduces the different technologies to produce heat and power from solid fossil (hard coal, brown coal) and renewable (biomass, waste) fuels, such as combustion and gasification, steam power plants and combined cycles etc. ...
Micro Cogeneration
The introduction of micro CHP – the simultaneous production of heat and power in an individual building based on small energy conversion units such as Stirling and reciprocating engines or fuel cells – is of increasing political and public interest. ...
Combined Heating, Cooling & Power Handbook: Technologies & Applications, 2nd Edition
In today's energy market and public policy environment, economic gains can be achieved by making sound energy and environmental efficiency decisions. This book serves as a "how-to" manual for applying energy and environmental efficiency technologies to create high-performance environments and to improve profitability. The book has four main parts:Part 1: Theory and Technologyincludes an ...
Decentralised Power Generation in the Liberalised EU Energy Markets
The book gives a comprehensive overview of technologies for decentralised power generation (DG technologies), including those based on both renewable energy sources (RES), and on combined heat and power (CHP) technologies, and of relevant policies of the EU and its Member States. ...
Modeling Solar Radiation at the Earth´s Surface
A few examples showing the diversity of applications may include: architecture and building design e.g. air conditioning and cooling systems; solar heating system design and use; solar power generation; weather and climate prediction models; evaporation and ...
Report 4110: Solar Energy Industry
Figures include U.S. and global sales and growth in equipment & systems sales in photovoltaics and solar thermal, the value of energy produced in electricity from PV and concentrating solar thermal power (CSTP) and heat and hot water from solar water heating (SWH) units. ...
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