Elsevier B.V

Elsevier B.V

Underground Coal Gasification and Combustion


Underground Coal Gasification and Combustion provides a comprehensive overview of the development of UCG, its current situation, and likely future directions. After an introductory part reviewing the history of UCG, following sections focus on UCG technology and modern UCG projects. Final chapters address prospective technologies. Underground coal gasification (UCG) processes convert solid coal resources that would otherwise not be mined into syngas. The resulting syngas can be used for power generation, fuel production, or other petrochemical processes. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in UCG as it may offer financial, social, and environmental benefits over conventional coal extraction methods.

Authors / Editors:
US $300.00

Key Features

  • Provides researchers in academia and industry with an authoritative overview of coal gasification technologies
  • Comprehensive and systematic coverage of UCG history, including the current situation and likely future trends
  • Edited and contributed to by well-known experts in the field


Geologists, engineers, researchers, managers in the mining and energy industries. Researchers at postgraduate level onwards in academia with an interest in UCG (from departments of geology, engineering). Investors interested in UCG. Regulators interested in UCG

Table of Contents

I. Historical Development of UCG

1. Early development and discoveries

2. UCG development in the USSR

3. UCG program in the USA

4. European UCG Tests

II. UCG Technology   View less >

5. Process description and major methods of UCG

6. UCG and gasification kinetics

7. Well linking (directional drilling, RCL, electro-linking, hydrofracture)

8. The role of rock deformation in UCG

9. Environmental impact (including ground water and cite selection)

10. Caron capture and sequestration

11. UCG modelling and control

III. Modern UCG projects, scaling up and commercialization   View less >

12. What makes a UCG technology commercial-ready?

13. UCG to Products: Designs, Efficiencies, Economics

14. Ergo Exergy: Majuba

15. Carbon Energy: Bloodwood Creek

16. Linc Energy: Chinchilla

17. UCG in China

IV. Fire underground: prospective technologies   View less >

18. Underground fires

19. Soil remediation by underground fires

20. UCG under sea bed

21. Underground retorting and gasification of shale oils

22. Underground measurement and monitoring techniques 

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